
im getting some shinobu kawajiri x kira yoshikage vibes rn. im thinking of a short story to write for it.


When you see comments about the errors in your book and you just wanna die ♬


@honeytea— they’re not mean, it’s just about spelling errors or timeline issues and it makes me embarrassed that I made those errors I shouldn’t have made! It makes me laugh!


ignore them, i mean yeah they’re trying to help but if they’re being mean towards you then-


should i return to wattpad? people don't seem to get my memo and dm me asking why aren't there any chapters in my book.


Go for it sis


@tadah- if you feel comfortable with it


ATTENTION! I'm leaving Wattpad.
          I can't maintain my account anymore since i've practically abandoned it to do work . I'll be moving all my stories over to my sister's account (@inkygenocide) so you can still read them. This account will be shut down soon after all my books have made it over. I will still update them, but with my sister's help, I can finish the book quicker.
          Sorry for the inconvenience. -natalie


@tadah- aw I’ll miss you but have a good life!


**Jasper X Human!Reader Oneshot**
          "Jasper, C'mon! The sun is gonna set soon! Are you ready?" You called out for the orange gem from the first floor of your condo. In your arms was a blanket bundled up, and in a free hand of yours was a small picnic basket.
          "I'm coming, relax," The gem's gruff voice responded. She bound down the steps, and you winced every time you heard the wooden staircase groan under the weight of the large gem. Her hair was tied back in a simple ponytail, but with her fly-aways, the rubber band wasn't visible. "Are we going or what? You're just standing there," She said in a bored tone. You smiled and nodded, grabbing her hand. "Okay, let's go!"
          Down by the beach, the soft blanket was laid upon the sand. The poor picnic basket was on its side, ravaged by a starving you and Jasper. Now that you both had eaten a small -yet satisfactory- lunch, you both eagerly awaited the sun to hide behind the watery horizon.
          "Hey Jasper?" You looked up at her.
          "Yeah, Y/N?" She replied, her amber eyes shining in the remaining light. It appeared as though they were glowing.
          "I've got something to ask you."
          ((PART 1/2))


“Do you... oh, this is so embarrassing, but do you like me?”
            Jasper froze. A soft, orange-y film of blush slowly grew on her face. “...What makes you ask that?”
            You shrugged, with some blush on your face too. “Well.. you’re always so kind to me, and rude to other people or gems. Plus, you compliment me so often,” you said softly.
            The gem’s tense muscles became relaxed. “You’re just very like able, and small and adora—“ she caught herself before she could finish. In a little huff, she asked, “If I told you the truth, would you promise to not make fun of me?”
            “Of course not! Why would I?” You laughed gently.
            “I do like you, Y/N, very much.” Jasper smiled down at you. The sun finally sank below the horizon, and the first stars were visible. They shone brightly, almost like Jasper’s gem in daylight.
            Then, a soft pair of tender lips placed themselves on yours.
            An hour flew by, and it was way later than you had planned this mini picnic to be. Instead, it was better than what you expected.
            You sat in Jasper’s lap, pointing out different constellations since more stars popped up. “Ooh, ooh, that’s the Big Dipper! And that one’s Orion!” You excitedly said.
            Jasper ran her fingers through her hair, eyes fixated on the stars that reflected in her eyes. “They’re beautiful.”
            “Like you,” you said playfully.
            “You’re prettier,” she reponded with a smile.
            “No, you!”
            And so, the night was filled with, “No, you are!” And tender kisses.


@9028848482a Oh, why thank you! I still aspire to become better! ♥︎