
New book!! If you liked Bangtan's Baby, you'll love my new book "Belonging To Them" ;) Have fun reading!!


just got my best friend hooked and she's now reading belonging to them... feeling accomplished :)


@Axel_Black445 oMGGGG OKAY BC I WAS SCARED FOR A SECOND!!&&$@@) YeSSS WE WILL HAVE A PLATONIC WEDDING IMMEDIATELY LMAOOO (I’ll buy the most expensive wedding dress ever *heart eyes*)


@sweetgalaxyalien i turned 18 last month, she turns 18 soon, we are in college 


31 hours and 20 minutes remaining


i'd be honored <3 you're a PHENOMENAL writer 


@Axel_Black445 omg IM CRYINGGGG THE COUNTDOWNNNN I’m literally going to HAVE to publish two chapters in one week for you at some point. Soon?!?! 


i fell asleep a little bit ago and woke up, i was fully convinced that it was next week tuesday... it is not in fact next week tuesday :(


@Axel_Black445 Ayo...why only 3 hours?! You definitely deserved that nap LMAOOOO


my nap was good, i ran on 3 hrs of sleep for most of the day so i think i deserved the nap 


@Axel_Black445 IM SORRYYYY next tuesday is so far away for real :( T T i hope you had a nice nap though! I'm about to pass out fr i'm so tired ಥ_ಥ


i’ve read bangtans baby twice and i’m reading belonging to them!! i love it i can’t tell you how much i adore these books, they are better than a lot of published books i’ve read, i love the dynamics you do it both of these!! please please make more 


@storygirlllllllll I'm so happy you like them omg thank you so much for reading, it means so so much to me!! I'll definitely be making more!! I love you!! <33


I just finished reading "Ending Green" and I’m completely in awe. Your writing is so captivating, but what really got to me were the characters, especially Riya. I was drawn to her from the start, and the more I read, the more I fell in love with her. She’s been through so much, Her journey is both inspiring and heart-wrenching, and I love how you've crafted it. love how bangtan loves her..she's their baby AND JUNGKOOK OH GOD MY LOVE HE'S SO SWEET AND CARING TOWARDS HER.I LOVE THEIR BOND SO MUCH wish I had my own JungkookI envy the all of their friendship it's so pure 
          All the characters have found a special place in my heart. You’ve written them with such depth. Thank you for creating such an unforgettable story. It’s really touched me, and I’m excited to read more of your work :3
          Also, can we talk about how pretty you name your characters? I’m currently reading "Bangtan's Baby" and I’m loving it so much! Can’t wait to dive into more of your stories.
          Looking forward to reading more from you :)


@jhoetae oh my gosh thank you so so much for reading it! I'm so glad you liked it omg you have no idea how much it means to me!! I seriously need someone like Jungkook ASAP UGHHHH And WHATTT thank you for saying my character's names are pretty!!! that literally makes me so happy! I'm so glad you like Bangtan's Baby too omggggg you're the best!!! <33


Hii.. I hope you’re doing fine. 
          I have a new ongoing story entitled “Silver Lining In Lockdown”. I would appreciate it if you’d spare some time to read it. 
          If you like my books, you could also follow me and become a supportive readers.
          Thank you.
          Jane Leo


@sweetgalaxyalien thanks so much! You’re so kind <3


@FlowerOfTheHeath the cover is absolutely GORGEOUS!! I'll try to check it out if I have some time :) !!


I'm reading "Belonging to them" like started the chapter and really the emotions, the words, the feeling, every damn thing was awesome like I felt can imagine every actions....it felt so real like the first 2 chapters I Have read. I'm so excited to read further. 
          Keep going! I will try to read the previous books since I am sick rn....
          Have a Good time writing! Lots of encouragement and love from me <<<333


@lucifics thank you so much!!!! I'm so, so happy you like it so far and so excited for you to read further, too! :') 
            Oh no, I hope you feel better really soon!! Please stay hydrated and rest as much as you can. Lots and lots of encouragement and love from me <<<333