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          ✎ Reмιɴderѕ: 
          ↳ You are beautiful.
          ↳ I will hug you.
          ↳ Don't settle for less because 
             you deserve the best.
          ↳ Cows are cute ⁽ʰᵉˡᵖ ᵀ~ᵀ⁾
          ↳ I love you.


Hallo, fren~
          I am here because I have written a new Kim Taehyung fanfiction named "Antisocial". It may only have one chapter, but I would like more people to see my work and tell me their opinion.
          Bai bai now :]
          I wish you the best ♡


hey! just wanted to thank you for following me! i would love it if you could check out my book, maybe read a couple chapters, and give it constructive criticism if it needs any? you don't have to do this, it's totally optional. if you hate it that's okay! i won't be offended. this is just an idea, but hopefully you check it out! thanks! - dove <3 