
we need to have a talk.
          	i can't open this app anymore without feeling overwhelmed. it feels like a lot of pressure i have placed on myself with how many books im currently doing.
          	due to this, i have avoided this app for a while. so because of this, i have decided that to place books on hold. 
          	it's all my fault for releasing so many books and I apologize, I hope that when I get the time you'll be ready to pick back up a book I'm placing on hold.


All the time you need 100% 


@suzieislame  Take as long as you need
          	  We love you


@suzieislame I do understand your situation (i am a writer too)...Your books are amazing , you can take as much as time you want , we will wait... Take care of yourself...


Take your time, I feel like all writers do this at some point (I know I did) I had to learn to pace myself, I have so many ideas and stories and my biggest fear is dying before I can put them out into the world for people to potentially enjoy so it was a struggle to not instantly post the first chapter I make of a new story (sitting on about 15+ now). Honestly for me it took putting the stories on hold and then eventually just temporarily deleted them because while they were on hold I still felt obligated to update and bad when I couldn’t. 
          Take as much time as you need to get yourself together and remind yourself that it’s okay to go at your pace and that a majority of your readers are fine with waiting for you to be ready. Hope this wasn’t too long of a message to put on your board but I super relate to how you’re feeling right now and just had to lyk lol, keep doing you!


we need to have a talk.
          i can't open this app anymore without feeling overwhelmed. it feels like a lot of pressure i have placed on myself with how many books im currently doing.
          due to this, i have avoided this app for a while. so because of this, i have decided that to place books on hold. 
          it's all my fault for releasing so many books and I apologize, I hope that when I get the time you'll be ready to pick back up a book I'm placing on hold.


All the time you need 100% 


@suzieislame  Take as long as you need
            We love you


@suzieislame I do understand your situation (i am a writer too)...Your books are amazing , you can take as much as time you want , we will wait... Take care of yourself...


I don't know which one of you messaged me on insta, but it caught my attention. whoever wanted an updated on butterfly kisses, I will be working on it now. <3


@suzieislame Thank you so very much <3


I’ve been waiting so long… I didn’t send that message but bless the person who did