
Hi loves,
          	I am sorry for being MIA, My best friend moved abroad and I was not in the right mind space to write a story about best friends when she was so far away. I am fine now we both adjusted well to the long-distance friendship so I will get back to writing soon. I need to read what I wrote till now for the wheels in my brain to remember where I left the story lol. But expect a comeback chapter or two within this week.
          	Meanwhile, I was reading other stories and I found an amazing story by one of MY FAVORITE READERS. Always the first one to comment and vote but never the one to tell me about this story??? I am hurt @chaeisforkoo, You should have told me about this! I loved this story and everyone would too, It is called Switch and it has an amazing plot and even better twists. Adding the link here so please go check it out vote, comment, and support!
          	See you real soon,
          	Loads of love,


@ sush_writes  T T thank you again!!!! I am a little busy now,  but will do it as soon as I get to breathe!!! 


@chaeisforkoo hihihi I was just kidding, I really loved the story though, great work, please continue weiting


@ sush_writes  thank you so much!!!! and sorry? For not telling you? :D 


Hi loves,
          I am sorry for being MIA, My best friend moved abroad and I was not in the right mind space to write a story about best friends when she was so far away. I am fine now we both adjusted well to the long-distance friendship so I will get back to writing soon. I need to read what I wrote till now for the wheels in my brain to remember where I left the story lol. But expect a comeback chapter or two within this week.
          Meanwhile, I was reading other stories and I found an amazing story by one of MY FAVORITE READERS. Always the first one to comment and vote but never the one to tell me about this story??? I am hurt @chaeisforkoo, You should have told me about this! I loved this story and everyone would too, It is called Switch and it has an amazing plot and even better twists. Adding the link here so please go check it out vote, comment, and support!

          See you real soon,
          Loads of love,


@ sush_writes  T T thank you again!!!! I am a little busy now,  but will do it as soon as I get to breathe!!! 


@chaeisforkoo hihihi I was just kidding, I really loved the story though, great work, please continue weiting


@ sush_writes  thank you so much!!!! and sorry? For not telling you? :D 


Hello loves,
          I actually wanted to publish today's chapter tomorrow, but I had to come here to publish it today and give a quick shout-out to one of my favorite writers.
          @chewritings has a brand new story and I love it so far. She published new chapters back to back, and trust me you will love the story as much as I do. So go over there and read the story, it is called "Bewitched.", I will paste the link down below. Go comment, vote, and give it lots of love. 
          Link to the story:

          Stay happy and healthy,
          Lots of love,


@sush_writes Hi! This is so sweet thanks for recommending my work, I was so surprised especially since I'm actually a really big fan of your Act of Love fic (actual chefs kisses how did you find a role of them that fits them perfectly, amazing plot and writing) <3


My Old Social media AU "Act of Love" reached 20k+ reads on Wattpad!!?? 
          I am still processing this news, these are the highest views for any of my works.
          Thank you to each and every one of you who read it, followed me, and voted on every story. This is a just fun hobby I have, that I don't even get to spend more time on because of my work. But seeing so many people read my work, and constantly comment and interact makes me feel euphoric. You guys inspire me to write more. I have a non social media au too in progress that I will polish and finish after "In Her Eyes" so keep supporting me as I try on new themes and genres. 
          You all make an amateur writer proud of herself and inspired to continue writing.
          Thank you once again. Stay happy and healthy and keep supporting me and my work. 
          Loads of Love,


I posted the latest part let me know if you can see the pictures. I tried everything, I moved the A/N to the top instead of the bottom and quickly added pictures and published but my reader's account still does not show pictures. This account and my friend's account show pictures. So...let me know if you get to see the pictures and comment on the story


@sush_writes ah! now I can see it tysm❤❤


@Sofia3179 Hey Sofia I opened it in my laptop and published it again, can you check now? It should work. Let me know if you still cannot see


Hey loves,
          I am trying to post the latest part of "Her Eyes" and it is stacking all pics on one another instead of one after another. And when I clear them it just shows obj in a box in their place. Anyone has any idea how to sort this mess? I have been publishing and unpublishing for an hour now.
          Thanks in advance,


Hey Loves,
          Long time no see. I have been busy with work and have been sick for a few days in between. But all that is not an excuse for not updating for so long. While I was on this mini hiatus, I was desperately scrolling through this app waiting for my favorite authors to update their chapters. Then I was like update your story before waiting for others to update! I tried posting on many occasions, Rosé's birthday, and Coachella (Roséchella was iconic) but these social media AUs are a mess to make. You can read them in less than 5 minutes but each chapter takes me about 45 minutes to make (typing out each message and tweet and searching for pics is a huge hassle) so I kept stalling. I suddenly opened my account today to see so many notifications. Many readers still voting commenting and saving my stories to reading lists. It made me really happy and I thought I should start writing this moment so I do not postpone it again. So while being sick and the time being almost midnight, I finished a few chapters. And as a sorry for the absence all these days I published 2 chapters instead of my usual 1 chapter. 
          Thank you for always supporting me, your comments make a sick author really happy. It is the flu season, so stay safe out there and as always stay happy and healthy.
          Loads of love,


I posted the first part, but I can't see it from my reader account, can you guys see any pictures (tweets basically) in the part that is posted, please comment here so I republish it if necessary. 
          Comment here, please!!!


@SweetKaitlynS1 can you see them now?


@sush_writes thank you will republish it now


Hey lovelies,
          Starting a new social media au on the occasion of our baby Chaeng's birthday. I am still busy with work but will try to update as frequently as I can. 
          Sorry for always going MIA but my work has been hectic. I thought I should do something special for the Queen's birthday and here I am. For the first time I don't have the entire story ready to publish, so keep commenting under each chapter and maybe (just maybe) I will alter a few parts of the story based on your comments. 
          Thank you for all the love, I see you adding my stories to your reading lists and it makes my heart so full. Hope this new one will make you smile when you read it because it surely makes me smile when I make it.
          See you soon with an update, until then stay happy and healthy,
          Loads of love,
          Sush <3


Happy New Year 2023,
          May you get everything you wish for and I do pray for your happiness, and physical and mental health.
          I know I haven't been around because year-end means a lot of work on my side of the industry, but trust me I am working on chapters every chance I get, I am done with more than 10 chapters already but I will need to proofread everything and think about the order of time (present first and then go to the flashback or give the entire backstory and then a time skip to the present) I am sure you will adore the story. Please be patient with me.
          Thank you for showing immense love every time I post. You are the reason I still keep pursuing this little hobby of mine. I am grateful and your comments make my day truly. 
          Once again wish you a very happy new year and I promise I will try my best to be active here.
          Until we meet again, stay happy and healthy as always.
          Loads of love,


@Sofia3179 thanks Sofia, Wish you a happy new year, and I will be looking forward to your thoughts on my new stories. I will search for your comments, so let me know your opinions when the new stories drop


@sush_writes Happy New Year authornim!! I'm looking forward to your writing and wish you the best.