
@Peculiarities hey I just posted the first chapter Of my first book maybe you could check it out?


@Peculiarities  Hey long time no chat but I posted a story I wrote before TGAL and I was wondering if you would look it over. I'd really appreciate it :) thx


@Peculiarities hey I just posted the first chapter Of my first book maybe you could check it out?


@Peculiarities  Hey long time no chat but I posted a story I wrote before TGAL and I was wondering if you would look it over. I'd really appreciate it :) thx


Nah, sorry, I would love to do that if I've finished my current work (Secrets), but it seems like still a very long way from getting done, so I don't plan to write anything new in general. You can contact me after I finish Secrets! I'll say yes at that time. Again, really sorry!


I see what you mean... I seldom co-write with other people but I've done a few times before, and what we always did was one person write until she cannot write anymore, save it in the word doc and email it to another person, vice versa. Did you have a row with her afterwards? LOL