
hey guys! I don't evn think anyone is on here anymore but if you are, hello, it's been a while. Just here to say that I am rebooting one of my old and most popular projects, Storytime! It was a really fun one to write but I never finished it and reading it back, there isn't much of a coherent plot or a consistently good writing style, so I am rewriting it! The story is the same, the characters are pretty much the same, but this time it will be more coherent, less just for dramatics and more actual story value and hopefully a better writing style. I just published the first rewritten chapter so it would mean a lot if you could check it out. Have an amazing rest of your week!


hey guys! I don't evn think anyone is on here anymore but if you are, hello, it's been a while. Just here to say that I am rebooting one of my old and most popular projects, Storytime! It was a really fun one to write but I never finished it and reading it back, there isn't much of a coherent plot or a consistently good writing style, so I am rewriting it! The story is the same, the characters are pretty much the same, but this time it will be more coherent, less just for dramatics and more actual story value and hopefully a better writing style. I just published the first rewritten chapter so it would mean a lot if you could check it out. Have an amazing rest of your week!


I opened up one time too much
          But all you did was scoff
          Ignored with my needs
          Which i leaked
          So now I put on a mask
          No matter how much you gasp
          You cant stop me now
          The last you get is a frown
          The smile from now on pinned pn my face
          My feels are one big maze
          So no one gets to see them
          Only blinded by my Lens 
          I make it up with myself 
          All sorted into drawers in my shelve
          I wont spill one more tear in front of you
          You never confessed your feels too
          So dont be disappointed
          Because you are now disjointed
          Locked away from my soul
          So its lonely when it howls
          I dont want your help no more 
          From now on i lay alone on the floor
          Crying myself to sleep
          Counting sheep
          Not calling you any longer 
          Even if the Nightmares get Stronger 
          I will let that storm burst inside
          For you not in sight
          None of your business
          you let me down one time too often ;


I dont know.. me not showing my feels towards anybody except u


Hey guys! It's been a while. However, I have just updated the newest chapter of "Storytime", for the first time since last September if you can believe it. It would be awesome if you could check it out! It's the first chapter I've written of anything since my block got cleared a little, so hopefully it should be fresh and entertaining! It looks like that book will be coming to and end soon, but I do have sequel plans so look out for that. I would love to hear your thoughts on the newest chapter.
          Also, I've decided to bring back and old, uncompleted story of mine called "Spiking". I wrote it a while ago, and I liked the concept of the story so I decided it was time for a reboot as I have since done more research into the conept so it will be more accurate and less all over the place. Hopefully I will start that soon, and I will let you all know when the first part is up!
          Anyways, I hope you have had an amazing day and I hope you enjoy!


Hey you don't know me but I just want to say that I think you are great! Your stories are so gripping, moving and powerful. Thank you for being an amazing writer! Write more! xx


@CharlotteLord4 hmm I wonder who this could be  thank you so much random person of wattpad. I shall try to write more, I mean, I've got 22 stories I have to do something  thank you so much that means a lot! X


So, here we are again. Sorry if these updates are annoying. So you can probably see I've started a new fanfiction, 'My Dandelion On Fire'. It's an Everlark fanfiction which should have a lot of plot twists. If you could check out the first chapter, I'd love it! Please comment, vote etc. It'd be really nice to hear your thoughts xx Thanks!


Hi guys!
          Okay I just published the first part to a new story called 'The World's Fault' and I would really like it if you could give some real feedback. I'd love to know what you like about it, what you don't like, what I could improve etc because I'm really struggling to write ATM because I have no guidelines. 
          Thank you!


@A_Dawson really? thank you. it might take a while though.


@dreams_of_fiction Well, I can't wait to read the final product


@A_Dawson thank you. but then its also a bad thing. I mean, I like it but... yeah.


Okay guys...
          I don't know if I'm going to continue with this account.
          For a while now I haven't had any writing inspiration.
          And you guys don't seem to enjoy my stories anyway.
          If you have anything you want to say, any questions or comments, just comment.
          But I don't think I'll be continuing with this account.
          Not that you really care but...
          Sorry guys.


@FanScription I guess I just wanted to make something out of this but clearly that's never gonna happen.


@dreams_of_fiction Well, I just enjoy the fun of being on Wattpad. so what if no one reads my books or if I have no votes or comments or whatever. its just the pure joy


@FanScription my stories are no good and I never finish them so... I don't think its likely.


Omg! I never thought I could get more followers then you, I'm so happy and thank you for all your support with my books! Love you so much!!! xxx


It is cos I'm never gunna agree with you on that