
Heyy so I'm back from my random dissapearence and I'm writing again! I never wanted to stop but things have been a bit crazy in my life atm so I wanted to just take a step back and focus on those first 


@sunnyzenitsu no fr that was me too! And welcome back!♡


Happy new year!!! 
          (Ik it's late in the day or at least it is for me but it's still the 1st so I'm still saying it) 
          Wishing everyone the best for 2024 and remember that this year can only be yours if that's what you make of it. 
          Love you all ! 


Just here to say Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates and hope you all have a wonderful day. 
          Obviously I hope everyone who doesn't celebrate has a wonderful day too but not in the same context bc I meant like the celebrations and stuff. 
          I am still going partially on break however there may be some slow updates as I write when I'm bored but otherwise I won't be uploading and I'm sorry. 
          Hope everyone who reads this has a wonderful day/night  and wish the best for everyone


Guys I've been trying to write recently but I haven't been well physically so I am going on break possibly till the new year. 
          I won't detail into why I'm ill but I will say on of the main reasons for this break is I'm currently hospitalized. 
          Love you all and if you celebrate merry Christmas and if you don't have a nice break. 
          Love you all! Have a good day/night 


          so for my next one shot I am writing a bokuakakuroken as requested but I currently have two different peices started and I'm unsure which everyone would like to read. 
          FIRST ONE SHOT: bokuakakuroken soulmate au. Fluff. currently unnamed
          Kenmas pov and shows how he finds out kuroo is his soul mate the day before he leaves for college and how he deals with those thoughts. He confides in akaashi as he was experiencing the same thing with bokuto (they don't find out they're soulmates yet). The two bond and even though they do miss their soulmates they are glad to have each other. They move to college to find out they are attending the same college and they meet up with their soulmates again. (This sounds like my book born this way but it's different as it's soulmates and not angsty at all) 
          SECOND ONE SHOT: bokuakakuroken or kuroken or bokuaka. Angst. Slipping through my fingers. 
          It was the end of the world. Scientists predicted everyone to die. The world crumbled in just a week. Some unknown disaster destroyed such a developed peice of the universe. Not everyone was wiped out. The four boys that were once only teenagers experiencing life were now the sole survivours and hopefully the saviour of earth. 
          So what do you think. I have a feeling you will probably chooses the first option but you never know also don't worry about needing to wait longer depending on which option you choose as I already have started to write both of these one shots


The 2nd one plslslpslsls I love apocalypse type of stuff 


So I know I haven't posted that much lately but it's for personal reasons and I'm trying to write as much as I can but my schedule is very busy atm so please be patient with my stories. 
          Born this way - new chapter is halfway written
          Bokuakakuroken one shot - started to be written
          I'm sorry what?! - half way written 
          Head canons - nothing new yet


          What does one do when they have motivation to write all of their ideas down but no motivation to actually type those ideas but I want to post the ideas. 
          That probably doesn't make sence but I have so many ideas and I want to write I just don't have the motivation to type it all and I can't use the speech text either


I’ll say write the ideas down before the motivation leave. Also, try and start writing/typing them. You might get more motivation as you write the story


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Because of my inability to stick with writing one thing and my unnecessarily chaotic school life how would you feel if I wrote a shortish book about my school drama but make it anime characters. I would just need recommendations for what school you would want to see. And then obviously because I am not a person from haikyuu and my life is different there will be some adjustments but yeah. I feel like it would be pretty fun to write and it would help me to not get too angry with all the shit happening so if you would read this let me know <3


@sunnyzenitsu but you might have to wait a month. But if your really need the idea, I watch All American on Netflix. I recommend that or Total Drama on Netflix and YouTube !


@strawberryisjuicy yeah that sounds good thank you 


But I’m writing a high school drama but I’m not close to finishing but I have started. Maybe you can wait till I publish to get an idea?