
Hey Everyone! I know i've been gone for a while, but some stuff happened (not gonna go into it right now) but i'm actually thinking of moving my stuff over to A03 for many reasons. For one, with all the events of Wattpad stories being stolen, and just some things that have been going on make me want to move them. I will leave them here, and may update them here when write each chapter. Link will be here when I set it up!


Hey Everyone! I know i've been gone for a while, but some stuff happened (not gonna go into it right now) but i'm actually thinking of moving my stuff over to A03 for many reasons. For one, with all the events of Wattpad stories being stolen, and just some things that have been going on make me want to move them. I will leave them here, and may update them here when write each chapter. Link will be here when I set it up!


Hi! So, I know I've been gone for a while. I very stressed. I have lots of stuff going on, school and home related. So I'm going to be taking a week-long break. I'll be back on April 11th. Thank you for understanding. I feel like if I write now, it just wont be the same, and I want to keep up my quality of writing. Consider this more of a mental haelth break than anything. Thank you so much! Till then, 
          Sunyy out!


Kitty Love hit 1k reads! Wow, I really did not think that this many people would read my story. I want to thank each and every one of you for reading, because it makes me so happy, and it motivates me to continue writing. Thank you!