
Hey guys, 
          	I know you all must be waiting for updates and I am so sorry that I won't be able to update because I have my interview schedule from 12- 17 March in my applied b-schools.
          	I hope it goes well and I am going to update as soon as I get time.
          	Hope you all will wait 
          	Thank you 
          	Love you all ❤️


Hey author sorry to post without your prior permission. I am a new writer if time permits you show me some support by giving my book a chance.
          I write dark romance.
          Arranged marriage
          Forced proximity 
          He fell first she fell harder 
          Dark themes



Hey guys, 
          I know you all must be waiting for updates and I am so sorry that I won't be able to update because I have my interview schedule from 12- 17 March in my applied b-schools.
          I hope it goes well and I am going to update as soon as I get time.
          Hope you all will wait 
          Thank you 
          Love you all ❤️