
It is my birthday today. I went out with my friends and my mum because my mum and I have the same group of friends. I wore heels for the first time outside our house. While we were going back to our car I fell and scratched my knee. Mum kept asking me if it hurt. It did, but because she was asking so much, I said it didn't just to spite her.
          	Have any of you ever said something didn't hurt out of spite?


Happy birthday !!!


It is my birthday today. I went out with my friends and my mum because my mum and I have the same group of friends. I wore heels for the first time outside our house. While we were going back to our car I fell and scratched my knee. Mum kept asking me if it hurt. It did, but because she was asking so much, I said it didn't just to spite her.
          Have any of you ever said something didn't hurt out of spite?


Happy birthday !!!


Am I the only one who already planned out what will happen in chpater fifty-sixty, but has no idea what will happen in the first twenty chapters. Like, I am trying to write, but I have no idea what to write or how to write it.