
New chapter underway !!


I'm bipolar, I swear. After writing the second chapter (procrastinating), I decided that I didn't really like the way the plot was going. I'm going to unpublish it and revise the whole thing. In the meantime, I'll be posting a sort of One-Shot book, if you would, called Dreams. It's just snippets of lucid dreams I've had turned story. Don't worry, they're not weird, and they're not boring. They fit the scheme of everything I've ever written (same people, same relationships).  Anyway,  see you soon loves ❥


ALRIGHT so i'm like completely revamping my account. I'll still post the same content, along with books for other fandoms that I have been in forever, but only now have hype (Percy Jackson). I'm changing my aesthetic and am un-publishing all of my books. I'll still continue to write them in my free time, but I won't post them unless there's a specific book you would like me to bring back. Anyways, happy snow day, have a good night. ❤


Okay so I have this other account, and I have like six stories ready to post because there's none posted yet. But I don't know which one to publish first. Heavy angst or heavy fluff?