
Hello everyone. As you can see, I've already started posting Summer Skyline on this account. That is already the revised version so I'd be really happy if you could read and maybe vote or leave a comment :)
          	I'm gonna continue posting the rest of the chapters tomorrow because Wattpad's interface is pissing me off and my patience is running thin. For some reason, it won't copy my italics so I have to do it manually. It was okay in the first two chapters, but when it got to chapter 3, the italics and the bold wouldn't show after publishing no matter how many times I've done it. I had to resort to putting italics and bold on my phone and that's difficult because I have sweaty hands so I can't always highlight properly. It's greatly frustrating me.
          	Still, I hope you'll want to read the rest of the novella! I'd say it's the best novella I've ever written hahaha 


Hello everyone. As you can see, I've already started posting Summer Skyline on this account. That is already the revised version so I'd be really happy if you could read and maybe vote or leave a comment :)
          I'm gonna continue posting the rest of the chapters tomorrow because Wattpad's interface is pissing me off and my patience is running thin. For some reason, it won't copy my italics so I have to do it manually. It was okay in the first two chapters, but when it got to chapter 3, the italics and the bold wouldn't show after publishing no matter how many times I've done it. I had to resort to putting italics and bold on my phone and that's difficult because I have sweaty hands so I can't always highlight properly. It's greatly frustrating me.
          Still, I hope you'll want to read the rest of the novella! I'd say it's the best novella I've ever written hahaha