
would it be mean of me to make a patreon bc like not to sound like a brat or anything but my mummsy and father won’t buy me a lambo which i think i deserve. a girl’s gotta live SOMEHOW, like wtf. might as well go on feetfinder too. crazy how parents switch just like that jeez


would it be mean of me to make a patreon bc like not to sound like a brat or anything but my mummsy and father won’t buy me a lambo which i think i deserve. a girl’s gotta live SOMEHOW, like wtf. might as well go on feetfinder too. crazy how parents switch just like that jeez


hi guys, i published a little book that will hopefully be relatable for all the ladies out there. i’m doing fine, and a wrote a lot of these during a depression period of my life so please don’t be worried about me. 
          how are all of you doing? (:


hi guys i realize i haven’t said anything in a while and that’s because my laptop exploded and i burned my fingers. yay! 
          so if you guys would like, i can post now but it will not be formatted like it normally is. it’ll still be legible tho. lmk


burned your fingers?! ow


hi guys i’m gonna ask u guys a question: 
          would you rather…
          1. get a few new chapters but have them shorter (you’ll get these immediately)
          2. get one big long chapter? (this will take much longer)
          for context, the story i’m writing right now is already nine pages long and most of my stories are 8-15 pages long. i’ve just written up the first scene and still have a lot more to go so y’all lmk


i’d like the establish something before i post my new work…my boyfriend and i have an open relationship, something we both mutually agreed upon and communicate well with. we have rules and terms regarding that but i’ll explain more of it in the story


hi guys, i made him cry. i had to use so many methods but FINALLY. i did it (: 
          i’ll write it up soon, i swear, but i feel like it’s gonna be so specific i might accidentally expose myself on here T-T 


@storiesbyred a bit late to be saying that lol 


@puppyzforme isn’t it? he was like “this is so unmanly of me” i was like “u moan like a woman” 


@idgaf_Lani he also, immediately after, was like “stop looking at me, i’m not crying” so i was like “…right” and handed him a tissue to wipe up all his snot (he’s a snotty crier) 


i need inspo on how to make my bf cry outta pleasure. like actual tears. i feel like i’ve tried a lot of things but he’s holding out strong. we’ve got a date tmr if that helps. 


@ storiesbyred kick him in his balls, would probably make him cry /j. you should find a day where you can really take your time, act out on different things. tie him up, deprave him of your touch for a while and then go for the non-sexual sensitive spots, stimulating those while not giving attention to his privates. the longer you take all the more desperate he'll get, and we all know what desperation does to someone. wing it, have fun (laugh at his pathetic face). unless you've already done this too lmao


@_Unholy_Izuku u guys don’t understand…i’ve done EVERYTHING. overstim and edging is basically an every other day thing. that’s basic. i want something BIGGER 


@ storiesbyred  edge him, keep edging him, edge him again, then overstimulate him once; twice; thrice. usually works