
\  hehe.
          makari.  put down your mother's gun.  she needs it.  (  sighed the stellaron hunter as he stood up from his seat.  heading over toward the other.  )


of course it would be silver wolf.  (  a small sigh left his lips as he would pat his head again.  )  you're growing a lot quicker than i thought you would. how strange.  (  he mumbled softly before moving his arms to his sides.  )  about this jacket  ,  how much was it?  then again we'll see it if it's still there.  


: ̗̀➛ @etrnals 
            pretty sure they are.. but fine, /fine/, I'll drop it. [  his words were a quiet murmur, although he couldn't help the small smile that tugged at his lips from the pat. it only grew at the next question before he'd laugh a bit.  ]  yeah, it was. don't tell her that you found out from me though.


my bones are not popping.  the only thing that will be popping is your fingers if you keep this up.  (  he scoffed  ,  following after his son.  it was an empty threat for blade would smile ever so softly and pat his head.  )  it wasn't silver wolf  ,  was it?  (  he'd ask  ,  smile disappearing.  )