
Hello everyone!
          	Chapter 22 of My Father's Daughter is finally posted. 
          	It's a little on the shorter side than I normally do, and I promise to make it up with a longer chapter next time. But we had some incredible revelations!  (Pun intended haha)
          	Check it out!


Hello everyone!
          Chapter 22 of My Father's Daughter is finally posted. 
          It's a little on the shorter side than I normally do, and I promise to make it up with a longer chapter next time. But we had some incredible revelations!  (Pun intended haha)
          Check it out!


Hi everyone Chapter 21 for My Father's Daughter is now out!
          Going to rant for a second and I may be overthinking this and over sensitive but I've been in the hospital and had two surgeries in one day so I feel im entitled to be a little annoyed. 
          Due to a comment that's been ringing in my head non stop, I want to say that no one has to read or continue reading my work if you disagree with it or don't like it. You don't even have to say anything you can just move on. I'll be none the wiser and no one gets hurt.
          Sometimes even I don't like the things I'm writing because when we read we want it all to turn out nicely.
           We want our heroes and heroines to live up to their name and save the day but in reality (and I of course use that term loosely because it's fanfiction) they are ordinary people. They make mistakes, they do things that even them as a character probably wouldn't agree with because they are finding a sense of who they are. Who they want to be. It's all about growth and understanding.
          I don't personally put my characters through hell for the fun of it, I want them to learn, and develope and grow. I won't apologize for writing about "tough choices and not understanding feelings and making a different decision than the reader would want" because this is my way of working out things I've done in my own life. Stupid things I've done or said; the good and the bad. 
          I'll finish my rant by saying, Writing isn't always going to go the way you want it to. Just like life, and while we the authors write our own stories; everyone isn't going to experience it the same as you because everyone is different. Just something to keep in mind the next time you want to write that "innocent" comment. 
          I hope you all have a good week, and be nice to each other.


Hi everyone!
          I just got home from the hospital, my surgery went well despite them suddenly  having to remove my appendix which was about to explode. I had no idea so that was fun news to wake up to in the recovery room. 
          I'll be picking up on posting hopefully soon. Just in a lot of pain, so I will post when a new chapter is up in the coming weeks, and I hope you all have a great weekend.
          Love Stef 


Hi Everyone!
          Little late on the post, but Chapter 20 of "My Father's Daughter" is officially posted!
          Without going into too much detail because you'll just have to read for yourself haha, I wanted to explain why I put this chapter in here. 
          I wanted just a window peek of what Aizawa was keeping hidden inside of him, from an outside perspective. If I had written it in his view then yes you would get all of that emotion and that could be really moving and relatable, but sometimes it's hard to see what someone is going through until the dam and or wall breaks and everything comes out, and that was something I sort of wanted to touch base with, without over doing it. 
          Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter and lemme know what ya think! Stay tuned for the next one coming soon!
          I am having surgery next week May 2nd so wish me luck and I will get back to writing as soon as I am feeling better. Thank you!


Hello everyone!
          Did anyone see the eclipse?? Not me it was overcast by my house but such is my life. 
          Anyway, the next chapter "I Hate Mondays" for 'Alpha Male' is now up!
          All I can say is, yeah I Hate Mondays too! But I definitely don't hate this filler chapter. It's the perfect vessel to bring us to the next event in the book. 
          Until next time, have a great week!


Hey everyone hope you all had a good holiday if you celebrate!
          Busy weekend at work myself! But I managed to get some writing in and posted Chapter 19. Bonding Moment, of My Father's Daughter, today! 
          Last we knew Alina was in a compromising position. Can she dig herself out or will she sink deeper? Read chapter 19 and let's find out. 
          See you soon!


Hey everyone chapter 18 of My Father's Daughter is up!
          I know it's so soon after the last one but I feel terrible not posting as often so yes it's a filler chapter but some important information is on there so have a read! 
          I reread the first book (yeesh the grammar errors! so sorry!) and caught up realizing there were quite a few continuity errors, and I feel I skipped over some essential parts of growth and interactions I should have had before to connect with the characters and their relationships better, so I'll do my best to tie up the loose ends as they will fit in the story as it is now without changing the storyline too much and put in some of those growth moments through memories.
          Have a good week!


@stefdel93 I can relate! Every new draft feels like such a big learning experience that nothing ever really feels 100% polished, you know?