
people are professional jokers on this app; they don't vote or comment on your story but they expect you to continue to update? i put Soul Ties, the sequeal to Kindred Spirits to the side and started a fresh new book. the reason i did this? it is extremely unmotivating when people are reading your book but they don’t vote or comment. im seeing 140 views but 10 votes? the numbers aren't making sense to me. all my books are written and articulated extremely well, not like some other authors who can't even spell. i may continue Soul Ties in the future or i might not. if you're a ghost reader and then you have the audacity to come and tell me that i didn’t finish my book, you have no right. this is not to show hate to anyone, im extremely frustrated. i can sympathise with the fact that the book was cut short and you feel irritated by that, i understand wholeheartedly. but no motivation, no voting or commenting? no new chapters. 


As a new writer I’m trying to navigate my way when it comes to this aswell. Thanks for speaking on it❤️


@mullafromldn at this point thats what im about to start doing because this is ridiculous 


@starrldn6 Preach. I used to hate when authors put a vote goal on their chapters but I honestly get it because ghost readers take the piss. Especially when they blow up your comments and inbox asking for more chapters. I didn't start getting my votes up until I started demanding them. No matter how much I love writing, I ain't wasting my time publishing with no support. I would happily leave my work in my drafts.


people are professional jokers on this app; they don't vote or comment on your story but they expect you to continue to update? i put Soul Ties, the sequeal to Kindred Spirits to the side and started a fresh new book. the reason i did this? it is extremely unmotivating when people are reading your book but they don’t vote or comment. im seeing 140 views but 10 votes? the numbers aren't making sense to me. all my books are written and articulated extremely well, not like some other authors who can't even spell. i may continue Soul Ties in the future or i might not. if you're a ghost reader and then you have the audacity to come and tell me that i didn’t finish my book, you have no right. this is not to show hate to anyone, im extremely frustrated. i can sympathise with the fact that the book was cut short and you feel irritated by that, i understand wholeheartedly. but no motivation, no voting or commenting? no new chapters. 


As a new writer I’m trying to navigate my way when it comes to this aswell. Thanks for speaking on it❤️


@mullafromldn at this point thats what im about to start doing because this is ridiculous 


@starrldn6 Preach. I used to hate when authors put a vote goal on their chapters but I honestly get it because ghost readers take the piss. Especially when they blow up your comments and inbox asking for more chapters. I didn't start getting my votes up until I started demanding them. No matter how much I love writing, I ain't wasting my time publishing with no support. I would happily leave my work in my drafts.


some enemies of progress on this app, everyone wanna read your book but nobody wanna vote and comment LOOOOOL dfkm


my energy isn't really there for soul ties anymore.
          do you guys want a fresh new book or should I finish it? 


 You could do a chapter then a time skip.Just as long as Messiah and Shantae gets married then I’ll be great 


@starrldn6 please finish it and then work.on a new book


Quickly wrap up soul ties then start a new one. But its up to you. 