
I have some problems with my laptop and that's the reason I couldn't post anything.
          	I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. 
          	I tried to type in my phone but it was irritating and I really couldn't do it.
          	I hope you will wait for my story.
          	I'm sorry again. 


I have some problems with my laptop and that's the reason I couldn't post anything.
          I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. 
          I tried to type in my phone but it was irritating and I really couldn't do it.
          I hope you will wait for my story.
          I'm sorry again. 


HEY GUYS!!!!! 
          First of all thank you for reading my book. This is my first time writing and I'm sure there are a lot of mistakes.
          Sorry for that.
          I will eventually correct them when I finish the book. 
          I know I update my chapters irregularly. Sorry about that.
          Anyhow, half way through the story I realized that two of my characters have the same name. (I blame it on the weather)
          So, I changed one of the characters name. 
          James's cousin Steve is now Jack. In case you forgot him Thalia owes him money for her mother's drugs. 
          I know it might be confusing, and I'm sorry for that. 
          I promise that I won't be making any more mistakes like this. Or atleast try not to.
          Well, that's it. 
          For now. 
          I would love if you guys comment or message me. 
          It doesn't matter if it is about my book. 
          I will reply.
          Thank you again!!!