
what the fiddle sticks is this acc



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          This week has unfortunately been very uneventful but, that doesn't matter. Hello once more! I've been trying to be more active on this damned app and it's I think going well? Just posted a Kevin one shot in Gallant as a bonus so do check it out! No matter of that, I've been trying to come up with something to do for an AF but seriously, I do not have the motivation. Might as well not do it but wtv. I'm fasting next week so activity on this damned app may as well be less due to to school AND fasting. Got this year is going to be so fucking hard.... Anyways, have a good day everyone! Drink and eat lots. Bye bye!! 


          Hello dear friends and followers! A little update on my Kaeya book, I haven't updated it since like February but we don't speak of it. My writer's block is fortunately dissipating so keep a look out! And just after this I will be posting a small? One shot of Diluc in GALLANT so, keep your eyes peeled for that because did I try to make it romantic. I love sappy Diluc... Anyways! I've been very inspired by Sumi recently, and I may have a thought in mind of making an af ( applyfic ) but, that's a story for another time. That's all everyone, starlightempire out (✿❛◡❛)
