
Hey, yall. I just wanted to say that “Whatever It Takes” (the sequel to “Let Me Go”) is officially up now!! I promise I’m not just going to disappear this time 


hi! just wanted to say your Killian Jones fic, “I’m Yours” IS AMAZING! I keep re-reading hoping that a new chapter will be out soon. Again i love that book with my whole heart and cant wait for a new chapter!! <33


this is actually so sweet!! tysm!! i am planning on writing new chapters don’t worry! i just gotta finish a few things first, i’m sorry for the wait!


Hi! I just wanted to tell u that your story the Hangover is amazing !! It's soooo freaking good. I know this is sudden but will u please read 'before death take u away 'thanks.


hii thank you so much!! but i’m sorry i’m not really looking forward to reading something rn but i’ll try to read it when i’ll have time! 


Hii yall. I know I haven’t updated much, but I’ve had a hard time finding motivation. I plan on finishing all the stories I started, it just will take some time. I’m making a Killian Jones (Once Upon A Time) fanfic rn and I’ll probably post it soon. I love you all 3000 and sorry again for making you all wait a lot for new updates.


Hi!! I know y’all have been waiting a lot for new stories updates but I’ve not only been busy with school but I’ve also had a big writer’s block, so it’s been hard to update lately. With the new year coming I wish I could say that I will have more time to write but as soon as school starts I won’t even have time to breath. So I decided that I won’t be updating for a while any of my books. I also decided to change the way I organised my writing to try and solve my writer’s block. I’m sorry to everyone who was waiting, I will obviously continue my books and there will be more coming soon, I just need to organise my life more before. Sorry again and I wish you all the best <3


          Hi I consign finished your ocean eleven book and loved it... When do you think you will be writing the next one?


Oh thank you so much! I actually was planning on doing it soon, but I’m still not so sure when because I’m really busy rn. When I will though, I will leave an update here!!