


EMEGESH, you guys,
          I'm like, totally into Star VS The Forces Of Evil, after watching Club Snubbed, I was like "EEEEIIIPP, forget Starco! TOMSTAR FTW BRUH!" I was squealing like crazy! I mean, c'mon that was soooo cute and romantic! The hot-headed, short-tempered Tom and the lovable, kind and adventurous Star, they make a perfect couple! And at the episode, Lava Beach, THEY FREAKING SHARED THEIR FIRST ON SCREEN KISS!!! AND GET THIS, TOM REFERRED STAR AS HIS 'GIRLFRIEND'!!! AHHH
          I was so happy that time.. :')
          I know, I know, maybe right now y'all thinkin' about the 'Blood Moon Ball' but here's the thing, from what I believe, I BELIEVE, those were only for the mewmans and monster, I mean... Just because they were both shone doesn't mean their souls are as one.
          Look, I know that rn you might be ready to comment that you ship Starco and explain why they're the best, well save it.
          I know every one of us has our own opinions about our own ships, so I'm sorry if this made you mad (pls don't unfollow me ;-;), I just wanna share y'all my ship in SVTFOE. Of course, we don't know for sure if TomStar is canon but so does Starco, so let's keep our heads up and accept whoever ends up Star wholeheartedly, okay? Welp, that's all :)
          Phew.. I made A LOT of messages in one day.


If y'all also think of killing me, well... Good luck with that ;-;
            I just wanna share my experience man! =3=