
this message may be offensive
Finally watched the first episode of Hotd and wow I have so many thoughts 
          	I cried with my baby nyra ( full blown sobbing)
          	Alicent and colonoscopy Cole. Not fucking surprised with those two hypocrites, their so obsessed with rhaenyra it’s crazy( they lowkey look hot together tho, will maybe ship, idk)
          	I still don’t like aegon or almond or daemon(  I did not chuckled or smile, wasn’t even gagged)
          	Jace my son oh my god ( crying noses) * and Joffrey
          	Blood and cheese are fucking idiots and I mourned and for helaena( the only green I actually like) her son deserved that and I actually gagged hearing the sound of the knife taking his head and the fact he was fully conscious ( so sick)


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Finally watched the first episode of Hotd and wow I have so many thoughts 
          I cried with my baby nyra ( full blown sobbing)
          Alicent and colonoscopy Cole. Not fucking surprised with those two hypocrites, their so obsessed with rhaenyra it’s crazy( they lowkey look hot together tho, will maybe ship, idk)
          I still don’t like aegon or almond or daemon(  I did not chuckled or smile, wasn’t even gagged)
          Jace my son oh my god ( crying noses) * and Joffrey
          Blood and cheese are fucking idiots and I mourned and for helaena( the only green I actually like) her son deserved that and I actually gagged hearing the sound of the knife taking his head and the fact he was fully conscious ( so sick)


I love marina thompson from Bridgerton so much 
          She’s so overhated, people act like they wouldn’t do the same thing if they were in her shoes


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@START1ING exactly people want complex characters until they meet actual complex characters 
            Marina was stressed out, heartbroken by the loss of her lover, and PREGNANT with fucking twins. It was either baby trapping or be a fucking prostitute. Most would do the same thing she did and they are lying if they deny it


Exactly, what she did wasn’t always right but she was trying to survive 


Hey! I hope I am not bothering you. But I want to post my stories both on Wattpad and Ao3 but I kinda don't know how to....can you please tell me how you post both on wattpad and ao3, please?  It will be really helpful if you do that!


@NaiminKhan for that I usually copy and paste my work to my chapter,  you can’t import your work from another site 
            You have to create the same work and copy wnd paste your og into it


I already have an account there. I just want publish from that account as well as wattpad but I can't import my work from wattpad to ao3.


@NaiminKhan for ao3 you need a invitation to create an account to write they usually email you to register your account in a week or two


Princess Athanasia framed of poisoning her sister, forced into exile and marriage to the enemy empire to ensure her safety and future 
          Aesir framed of poisoning his stepmother the empress, stripping him of his title as crown prince and living his life scorned and feared by the his empire as their grand duke, forced into marriage by his father to build an alliance and ease the long tension with obelia 
          Bond to falling in love


I kind wants to write another wmmap lp story but I have to finish the rest of my unfinished work


@Slytherin2o not a oneshot but it was inspired by one 
            A story where lp Athanasia never gets executed but gets ships off to marry a grandduke of another empire


Diana never wanting to be with a man of power after  experiencing  of what is it like and how it’s a death sentence 
          *Sleeps with Claude on the night they reunited


@satsuki7219 what love and good dck does to a woman 
            But yes when Diana finds out what Claude did, he will not escape her wrath and their relationship will suffer greatly


@starcotwilightlover  lol   
            But no like she really loved him.
            Also I wanted more scenes of Diana chewing Claude out.


Athanasia being terrifies of turning like her father and promising herself never to be like him to her future children 
          Accidently repeats the same trauma onto them and becomes her father’s daughter either way


@NaiminKhan tbh it’s probably gonna be a co plot to one my fics and her reasons aren’t Claude at all, Athanasia loves her children and breathes through them 
            It’s just that she struggles expressing her feelings and her desires for other things that she’s very neglectful towards them like Claude 
            Even though she does the same mistakes as Claude’s. They were both different when it comes to the feelings towards their kids


@starcotwilightlover Well if you are thinking of writing this then you should. I really find this line of thought interesting because I want to see how athanasia repeats the same mistakes as well as her reason to do it. Also is athy gonna be a monarch in this if you are planning to make it?
            P.s I will not forgive athy if she has the same shitty thoughts as claude. No hate