
Captain Marvel trailer at 4:30PM for the UK lot! (Apparently) :) 


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Aquaman trailer was disappointing. The CGI looked a little too...tacky. 
          Glass trailer looks good, not on James McAvoys behalf. The beast was a stupid thing to add in ‘Split’ (or ruin). 
          Godzilla trailer was pretty mesmerising, but it has no Aaron and Lizzie or the sky diving scene. I’m sticking with ma dinos in a lift — 1998 Godzilla xD
          Titans looks bad on Starfire’s behalf but I blame casting and not the actress who I sympathise for :( “Fuck Batman” is either cringey or amazing.
          SHAZAM! Out of all the fucking films I’ve been waiting for Shazam is like...amazing. I NEED HIM NOW. XD the use of Humble by Kendrick was AWESOME! 
          Yeah this year has been disappointing. Wonder why they aren’t doing Avengers 4...this time last year we saw the leaked trailer of Infinity War...we should be having Avengers 4 content by now! It comes out next May (pushed down to April again I bet!) 


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So wait? My boi Venom isn’t apart of MCU Spider-Man but he exists in a Spiderless-Spider Verse? And he has the comics white SPIDER logo? 
          WHAT THE FUCK SONY?! 
          I know even the directors are like “what the fuck is this movie” shouldn’t we  be concerned that they’re saying that? What’s more weird is that Woody Harrelson is like *IN THE SEQUEL THIS! IN THE SEQUEL THAT!* 
          Venom is doomed in my opinion - from the moment Sony was like - VENOM SOLO MOVIE - like...I’ll never forget Spider-Man 3’s Venom. (Btw I seriously can’t see the difference. S-M 3 and Venom look the same.) The new Venom is more muscular...the eyes are wrong tho (they should have curves at the front and back right?! More jagged too.) Also if they make Venom out to be a villain then I’ll unstan Sony. Venom is one of the most humane villains ever! He saved a baby from falling out of the window - while singing a lullaby with Spidey’s help, every time he goes to kidnap MJ he doesn’t lay a hand on her...heck he even put his differences with Spider-Man aside on more than a few occasions because of Carnage and their symbiote children! 
          The only reason why Venom is screwed up because he was a host to Wade fucking Wilson originally xD Man did he see/feel some dark shit! But of course they’ll never mention that in the Spiderless-Spider Verse franchise! DP is FOX...FOX is now MARVEL. Marvel ain’t ever gonna be Sony again apparently????
          But Rotten Tomatoes likes MCU spin-offs (of spin-offs) so who knows! 


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I asked lead singer out of The Wombats whether he likes Infinity War. 
          His reply: “Oh yes. The end fucked me up for days”
          So...THAT HAPPENED. Excuse me while I fangirl the fuck out!