
Wow guys! So i know this is probably nothing. But i now have 40 followers and i love every single one of them. Thank you all. 
          	If you havn't already, please check out my new story "Dead on Arrival" and let me know what you think. Comment or message me. I need criticism guys. Please.
          	Stay weird


Wow guys! So i know this is probably nothing. But i now have 40 followers and i love every single one of them. Thank you all. 
          If you havn't already, please check out my new story "Dead on Arrival" and let me know what you think. Comment or message me. I need criticism guys. Please.
          Stay weird


So guess what? No more maybes, no more yeah soons' but instead a NOW. i finally have something for you guys to read. *screams in joy* It has been so long and I am sorry. But please go check out my new one-shot "Dead on Arrival". I worked hard but I did it. If you read it comment "This isn't the last time." 
          Enjoy, thanks, and stay weird. -stacithefobsessedkid


Alright. So about that smut book I was supposed to be writing. Yeah, I know. I have failed on updating daily. I don't even know how long its even been. I have excuses but I'm sure that no one would like to hear them. You would rather I put my creative thinking into writing another chapter. So in this case......I might have a chapter uploaded today. I meant to do one yesterday in honor of *whispers* valentines day. But *insert more excuses*. So I might have a chapter either today or tomorrow. Maybe. Possibly. If anybody even reads this...don't get your hopes up.


Also....Stay Weird.


Hey so some things need to be said despite if anyone cares.
          1) I have decided to continue 7 Minutes in Heaven
          2) However please keep in mind that I have horrible track record with finishing stories that I start so it is a huge possibility that the same will happen with this story. 
          3) I have no idea when I will update. With this being said I have felt super motivated this weekend and hopefully there will be an update up by the end of tomorrow. No promises though.
          4) I will probably go back and change some details in the first chapter in order to make it work with the story plot I have set out. 
          5) In the story I am going to try to follow the time schedule of Boys of Zummer (2015) but there will be some things added in because it is ficition. 
          6) I am greatful for any support that I get on this story. I am sure that it will not be very good, since I am a little rusty and it probably will just be another failed attempt but hopefully I can pull through and actually finish this one. 
          7) That is all. Stay weird. Luv you all.