
Guys I recommend you all to read "Meher" by @the_insouciant_lass.
          	This Storyline is really unique. It has the backdrop of South Asia. I am loving it so far.
          	The Story is on Currently Reading List. Do give it a try.


Hello, dear!
          Hope you are doing good and probably safe out there. My book 'Mirza' is a mafia themed novel which contains tropes of Enemies to lovers and forced marriage. It has a soft romance, rebellious female lead and possessive alpha male lead.
          I hope you give it a try. Your comments and votes are heartily welcome!

          Take care, sweet heart! <3


Hey there. Hope you are having a fantastic day, if not, just take a chill pill, everything’s gonna be fine soon. Now smile:)
          Here I am with my first book, hope you give it a try, it would mean a lot to me. Dont forget to add this in your reading list and stay tuned for updates, because 
          Drumrolls, its releasing soon 
          Thank you:) and
          Happy reading! 



Sorry for using your board... But just wanna know if u are interested in a strong fl story .. a story where both the leads supports each other like a pillar in storms.. a story where the fl is not naive and stupid but mature and smart and ml is not toxic ass but a total green flag.. and yeah virgin leads ✨


Hey! Hope you're doing well. I'm sorry for spamming on your wall. I'm writting an Indian Royal romance story nowadays. If you're interested into Indian stories, you can check my story. I hope you will like it :)
          Here's the link to my story:


If 18+ n Dark IndianLoveStory Lover??
          Check this out...
          ???A Cruel immoral fall in love with Moral.
          Tapish Adyanthaya-- was a world that didn't seek light in eyes; it turned light into a blindfold, calling it a game of until she entered his life. She was born into a world that made him, yet she stood far from its center.
          Sahej Luthra-- there was only one thing that set her apart from the people of her world, and that was her morals. Then one day, she encountered a person who would challenge her moral values.
          . . . . ╰──╮ꨄ︎╭──╯ . . . .
          Look at you, how you're breathing and trembling in need-craving my touch,"
          "Shut up, Tapish"
          "Then Shut me Up"
          Dark •Pleasure •Pain •Love •Romance •Action •Drama •Mystery •Suspense •Secrets •Fights 
          [ Tropes ]
          Moral Vs Immoral
          Billionaire Vs Billionaire
          Canvas Vs Crimson
          Principles Vs Desire
          Cranberry Vs Red Wine