
Also girl love your new book.  The reason it isn't selling much is probably because of your profile pic , maybe you can go a bit more military or fantasy or even spacey . You could give then more of an interesting description . Rather than telling them just that the stories are just going to be fantasy or science fiction . Tell them like a few interesting quotes or make comparisons between them or write about emotions , it is more likely to catch someone's eye. 


Hi, Sophia,  if you are still interested in LGBT romances , I am writing a high school dark romance . Though the themes are not about the queerness in general,  I am going to use the book to make social and political commentaries secretly along with an obvious amount of emotional stress .


Hey , if you are younger than me , I have to say . Ayushman  Bhava Beta . I laved your work . You have the ability to please your readers with exactly what they want .The beginning was kind of boring but the way it progressed and ended makes me want to re read it a hundred times . You are a pretty cool observer . love the way you dealt with their personalities .  I could not imagine the characters any other way . Especially Jordan as a pan ace like myself . The whole "progressive" concept was also well dealt with . Let me say pal  , the darkest part of our lives is that our existence and lives are considered progressive .The fact that we are here , makes comments and a need for support or hatred . Hence , the enlightenment will only come when such a need is eliminated from society . anyways love from the community . 
          Malyada - the enby


Hi Sophia This is perhaps the last time I am talking to you . I have extremely homophones parents and unfortunately ones who are very into modern technology.  As a minor , I am in no position to get any internet privileges of my own . I am texting you on the last day of my school trip . So remember the bond that connects is beyond the force that everyone feels , for people are connected by chance and we were by purpose,  you had saved my life being take by me from myself and I shall have a lot to give to the world much grateful to you and everyone in this chain of butterfly effect .Unfortunately I can't say I am talented nor anyone for like hero normativity , I must go down another path of math (willingly however) . So Good bye , may the world shoe you your purpose and be the change you want to see in the world . 
            - Some one unsure of the path of life .


Hey!!  I just now saw this, I don’t have notifs turned on, if I did I would have responded way sooner!  I’m sooooo glad you loved it!  That seriously makes me so happy.  I’m also glad that you thought the “progressive” thing was handled well given that my next big project I’m in the middle of is a political commentary 
            Anyway, thank you so much for your kind words, and seeing how you ended that note, you are quite the talented writer yourself!  Thank you so much for the community love!!!
            -Sophia, the wild aro/ace 