
/ happy v day you horny fucks 


“Alkis? Please pick up the phone,”satin said that to himself as he tried to call the demon. He deeply missed him and when it went to voice mail, he sighed, before waiting for the beep,”hi Alkis. It’s satin. I just... wanna talk. I’m so sorry for being angry with you.”


it wasn't too late into the night , approximately around about 9 . it was cold , windy and rainy , perfect cuddle weather . or a little more . luckily , jazz had forced alkis to stay after he appeared back at her house  . so she did exactly what she wanted to do  — she crawled onto alkis' lap with netflix playing in the back ground , legs on either side of his hips , dressed in a large , oversize shirt and undies . " alki ~ "


            the girl let out a small hum , leaning her face closer to his so their noses were touching . her blue - grey eyes stared into his red ones , before glancing down and back up again . her hand went up to rest between his shoulder and neck , a nails gently caressing the back of his neck . " i missed you ~  i missed this ~ "


( @SugarShimmer )
            / god im so sorry my activity is wack 
            alkis had been resting his eyes when jazz climbed onto his lap . his crimson eyes slid open and then thinned pupils dilated to their regular size , a smile curling on his pale features . he subconciously glanced downwards before meeting jazz's gaze .
            " well hello , sweetheart ~ "  


/ if I reset alkis ... would anyone care to interact , still ?


( @angerkills )
            / hmm . fair enough


( @angerkills )
            / try to kill him 
            he'd be fine after all , since he's basically immortal -