
New book out today! When August Ends: A Conrad Fisher X Reader Fan Fiction! I’ve been working on it the past 5 months and I’m super proud to finally publish it! I hope you all enjoy it! More projects in the near future 


New Year’s Day was supposed to be the publishing day for the first chapter of my new book, a Tom Riddle fan fiction. I’ve been working really hard on it these past months, and was so so excited to publish it. Though I was scrolling through Tik Tok and came across a video that said people won’t read Tom riddle fanfictions in the golden trio era, in which I wrote my book in. The comments also said how much people hated to read Tom fics were he is in the same time era as the golden trio. I’m now very insecure about it and wanted to know everyone’s thoughts. I’ve pushed the publishing date back for now, but depending on feedback it can be changed at anytime. Would you not read it because he’s with the golden trio? Or do you not mind? Thanks everyone.


Thank you for your feedback


I think that would be interesting I wouldn’t mind


Would anyone read a Tom Riddle book if I published one? I’ve been working on one for the past month and just curious, thanks! 


Thank you for all of the support on the Zack Morris series. I loved writing both books and I hope you all enjoyed reading them. Its been quite the adventure writing them and creating the storyline. Im always so happy to look into my DMs to find suggestions and messages on the book, or how even how an update made someone’s day, I’m so happy these books or my books in general can make someone feel that way, especially during these hard times. I love you all so much, if you ever need someone to talk to I’m always here. Thank you for the endless love✨ 


Hey everyone! hope you are all staying safe and healthy during these hard times. I was wondering how you would all feel about a new book! I've been wanting to write a Zack Morris book for awhile and was wondering if any of you would be interested in reading it? Let me know! (also PS if you have any other ideas for books feel free to reach out!)