
Snapping out of her trance, she turned on the tap and splashed water on her face, before she began wiping furiously. If she washed harder, perhaps she could not only rid herself of the blood but also the horrid memory.
          	♛ SILVER ♛
          	New week, new chapter! It’s been quite a long week for me, adapting to a new environment and a sort of different lifestyle, but SILVER remains a priority!
          	Check out the latest chapter with the link below! I would love to hear your comments on it. 
          	Have a great week ahead! ❤️


Hey, there. Nice to meet you. 
          Sorry for bothering you. I would love it if you check out my book "Trapped In A Mystifying Frictional World" in your spare time ♥
          Have a wonderful day :)


@avniy1312 Hi there and nice to meet you too. :D Thanks for the follow and for adding Down Memory Lane to your reading list and I hope you love it when you get to read it. Sure, I can't make any promises because I'm still trying to find my foot in some areas of life, but I'll have your book in mind when I get back to reading again. :) ❤️


Hey, how are you? 


My insta: Nalsinda_author


@nalsinda we should connect. 


@nalsinda what of you? How are you handling both writing and working?


Snapping out of her trance, she turned on the tap and splashed water on her face, before she began wiping furiously. If she washed harder, perhaps she could not only rid herself of the blood but also the horrid memory.
          ♛ SILVER ♛
          New week, new chapter! It’s been quite a long week for me, adapting to a new environment and a sort of different lifestyle, but SILVER remains a priority!
          Check out the latest chapter with the link below! I would love to hear your comments on it. 

          Have a great week ahead! ❤️


Around her were four walls marked with varying symbols, but it was not only the horrid smell that sparked nausea within her. It was the deep red in which the symbols were drawn, almost as if they were bleeding. Something about it and how it trailed down in dry streaks made her skin crawl.
          ♛ SILVER ♛
          I wish I had a double update to make up for the missed one last weekend, but sadly I don't. My life turned around so quickly and I'm still trying to come to terms with the new situation. That being said, I’ll try my very best to be more consistent. Writing isn’t easy and no one said it was going to be,
          Chapter 33 is out and Karyn struggles to flee from the haunting symbols shrouded by the shadows. Check it out with the link below and I would love to hear your thoughts on them! :)

          Wish you all a good week ahead!


Dearest Fantasy Readers! I have with me a wonderful announcement to open the week!
          Silver: The Lost Royal has been updated with an absolutely marvelous new cover. And it’s all thanks to the wonderful @Pennywithaney.
          The cover of SILVER is something I’ve been working on since I posted the first chapter of the book here and that’s been since May 2023. But I believe I have found the one. The first time I saw it, it lit up my eyes and I knew this was it!
          If you’re looking to get a professional cover for your book, you should check out Sarah’s cover shop. Head down there with the link below and see for yourself!


Following the timid question was a man who stepped out from behind the lifeless trees. His black hair stuck out in awkward directions, resembling angry roots jutting out beneath the earth. His clothes hung loosely to his lanky form, appearing worn out as if he had washed the color out of it over again. Time had etched deep creases around his eyes and caused his cheeks to sag, a testament to an age much older than theirs.
          ♛ SILVER ♛
          It was an uphill battle to work on this chapter as my mood crashed to a very low point yesterday. But it’s a new day, a new chance, and it’s never too late to get up!
          Silver has reached 1k reads and I am so grateful to all who have been reading and voting! If you haven't started, now’s a good time to start. With the addition of new characters, Karyn and Zack stumble across a man who invites them to his home, but they soon realize something is amiss.
          To find out what, click the link below to check out the latest chapter, The Shed.
          I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments! :)


A Chapter Emerges!!
          ♛ SILVER ♛
          It’s been a while since I updated but! It’s with good reason. Silver: The Lost Royal is a long-term project I’ve been working on and it will be two years since I began the story this March. For the past few weeks, I had to take the time and re-read my work to catch up on those loose strays. When writing a fantasy book, it's easy to add anything and everything. Why? Well, it’s Fantasy. Anything is possible.
          But despite that, we all read books searching for some reality. Even in Fantasy? Yes, especially in Fantasy. This is why you can’t have flawless characters or plot holes or unnecessary dialogue even when anything is possible in Fantasy.
          Anyway! That being said, all things being fair, I hope to be more consistent with my postings. Another novel has been whispering my name, calling out to me in the dead of the night to embark on a journey to discover its characters and tell their stories.
          But! To get there, I need to get somewhere on Silver, which is what I’m doing as of now!
          I would love to hear your thoughts on it and if you didn’t know, Silver: The Lost Royal is a YA fantasy book that follows a long-lost Princess on her journey to her kingdom as she seeks to regain her memories and justice for her parents’ murders but with mysteries and betrayals swaying left and right, she has a whole lot more to weather than the sinister creatures hot on her trail!
          Check it out with the link below! :D


i m so not sure, i feel like i should just delete it all up, i barely have a audience anyways


@BorahaeArmy698 There's a lot to learn concerning grammar in English and I understand that can be a lot for someone who didn't grow up learning English. However, there are many online resources you can use to work on your grammar. You can search Google or even go on Pinterest. 


@BorahaeArmy698  you're absolutely right, i do read and trying to work, i didn't knew i need to work on m grammer until ur comments, how did you learned that?


@BorahaeArmy698 Hey, I understand but never give up. If you truly have a passion for writing and you have a story you want to tell then don't give up. What I would advise is for you to read and learn. To be a writer one has to first read. My first story was me pouring out all I had been reading on Wattpad. But in my second story, I still wasn't where I wanted to be but I had gotten better and I loved what I came up with. Read as many books as you can and even when you continue writing, keep reading. I see so many new accounts posting books some days or weeks after they've joined and that's fine. But just like every other job, writing needs experience and the best way to get that experience is by reading. 