
          	Please stop correcting me as if I went through and fixed this stuff already cuz I haven’t and I won’t remember what to fix right now. I’m going to finish the book and then edit it in its entirety but until then please refrain from commenting on my despicable grammar :)
          	XOXO ~ KK


wouldn’t that help if you did go back and edit..?


Any update for better or worse? It’s been a while since you had an update since he was you said there was supposed to be a two-parter. I had completely forgotten I look for a couple days and you know after two weeks I think I just forgot to start looking and then I just looked when I saw your story come up on the homepage. I just realized that it’s been so long?


          Please stop correcting me as if I went through and fixed this stuff already cuz I haven’t and I won’t remember what to fix right now. I’m going to finish the book and then edit it in its entirety but until then please refrain from commenting on my despicable grammar :)
          XOXO ~ KK


wouldn’t that help if you did go back and edit..?


Guys you know what I hate with like a BURNING passion…weak leads. 
          I was reading a Jikook (guilty hahaha) fanfic and they were in college and were best friends. Jimin was so nice to the point where he was a doormat and JK was SOO freaking toxic I didn’t even want them to be together. 
          I’m just like, WHY ARE YOU FORGIVING HIS SO EASILY?! Like bestie…put on your bad bich pants and slap him in the face or else I will UGHHH! 
          Anyways I do apologize for the rant so early in the morning my children :)


Hey everyone.
          So I need honest opinions here from any of you that read this. 
          I made Yari to be kinda immature and broken as a person to build a more impactful change in how she views things and how she lives her life. The intention is to allow everything to take its course with each struggle pushing her harder because she preaches independence from a life that was so different then the one she has with the boys.
          She’s gonna realize she truly does desire their attention and codependence just to get that out there. 
          1) But now the issue I’m having is that I had a huge plot twist that may upset many people, (don’t worry the book ends happy for everyone) but I don’t want to create drama with a character people can’t stand. 
          2) Instead, I could go with my safe route and have no twist but that would mean the books gets cut a good few chapters which really isn’t the issue. 
          Let me know which one you would prefer because that could really alter the very next chapter I write. 
          Thank you all for reading and I hope no matter what you guys choose, it won’t disappoint!


I have finally finished all the chapters and honestly I love Yari and her independence but I love how she is healing through the boys and realizing she doesn’t have to take on the world by herself! As far as the question you asked, I believe you should do what feels right to you! I know your mentioned that the story ends happily for everyone so I can imagine that whatever happens they will get through and maybe it will even bring them closer? :) whatever you choose I’m sure it will continue to be great like the rest of the story so far:)))


I read all of the chapters in the book and nowhere in it have I been disappointed by the character development of Yari. Her circumstances are by no means realistic, but that is the point of the book as it is a fictional piece of work. 
            As for her traits she is funny, spicy, and best of all, human. I know I joke a lot about her throughout the book, but I am glad that you have written her out to develop. No one is perfect, and with everything she has gone through (and continues to go through) I don’t think she should have to fit those standards.
            I strongly believe that anyone who has a problem with her character to an extent where they make you feel as though you should change the book, should simply stop reading it. 
            Drama and such is going to occur and if people didn’t expect it then they are going to struggle finding a book where there isn’t any. 
            I believe you should do what you desire with the plot of the book as you are the one who is writing it. I can already tell that there will be a major shift in Yari!!! Just do what you feel is best, and I promise you, we will all be here to back you up. (((:


@soupspoon41 I like that she isn't perfect and grows as a person and has character development. Option one will allow for that major character development I think and you did say there is a happy ending. Plot twists and drama and other things always make books more interesting anyway
            Also I hope the drama is with the first girl they all "dated" I can't remember her name but yes I'm excited for the next chapter and future chapters and happy new year <3