
          	Hello guys! First off, I just want to say I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! D: Everything is just so hectic as of now and I’m doing my best to try and sort things out. (I’m still a busy bee sadly u-u) I know I keep apologizing and saying I will update (which I will! I will see that story to it’s end so I can focus on my new ones!) but I just hope you guys understand that I am really busy and I try to fit in writing my story into my schedule so I can at least get something out to you guys  I really can’t say for sure when the next chapter will be out but for sure it will be released! Thank you all again for your support and reading my stories. I’m so glad you love them <3 
          	See you all soon and take care! <3 


@soraxsky Can u update the only exception pleaseeeeeee


Hey Sora, will you continue writing "The Only Exception" or not? If not, please tell us so that we can mentally prepare ourselves. I love it a lot. It was the reason I joined Wattpad and started writing here. I hope that you will respond.


Hiya! Yes, I will be continuing the Only exception, the reason I haven’t updated in a long time is because I’ve had writers block. I’m hoping to update it this year and come out with new stories <3 Thank you so much for reading my stories


          Hello guys! First off, I just want to say I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! D: Everything is just so hectic as of now and I’m doing my best to try and sort things out. (I’m still a busy bee sadly u-u) I know I keep apologizing and saying I will update (which I will! I will see that story to it’s end so I can focus on my new ones!) but I just hope you guys understand that I am really busy and I try to fit in writing my story into my schedule so I can at least get something out to you guys  I really can’t say for sure when the next chapter will be out but for sure it will be released! Thank you all again for your support and reading my stories. I’m so glad you love them <3 
          See you all soon and take care! <3 


@soraxsky Can u update the only exception pleaseeeeeee


Happy New Years guys! I know I know, it’s been long since I’ve updated my story. But I’ve been going through a lot of stuff and I’ve also been busy with the holidays. I’m hoping that I can get the few chapters out to you guys soon tho.
          I also just wanted to say thank you all so much for the support <3 I’m glad every one of you is enjoying my stories/art and I hope to create for you all soon.
          Thank you for such a great year. Always remember to take care of yourselves <3 
          I’ll update you guys soon!


@soraxsky happy new years!!