
          	honestly I did not think I would reach this number until next year, you all are amazing and I mean this to the bottom of my heart, no. My Soul. Thank you all so much, you are amazing and the ones give respect, hope and courage to others, I know compared to other writers 700 is small but to me who never thought that I would never get to 100 follows means so much. I hope you all know I am so thankful for all that follow or those that just read my stories. for this I am going to working on making a new chapter for all the stories that I have on this account as a special thank you for all this. the complete stories will remain as they are but those at are open I will do my best to give you all amazing chapter to the best of my ability.
          	I hope you all have an amazing day. and thank you all so much.


@sonic1942 Awesome! Congrats 


@sonic1942  congratulations!!! Keep up the good work


          honestly I did not think I would reach this number until next year, you all are amazing and I mean this to the bottom of my heart, no. My Soul. Thank you all so much, you are amazing and the ones give respect, hope and courage to others, I know compared to other writers 700 is small but to me who never thought that I would never get to 100 follows means so much. I hope you all know I am so thankful for all that follow or those that just read my stories. for this I am going to working on making a new chapter for all the stories that I have on this account as a special thank you for all this. the complete stories will remain as they are but those at are open I will do my best to give you all amazing chapter to the best of my ability.
          I hope you all have an amazing day. and thank you all so much.


@sonic1942 Awesome! Congrats 


@sonic1942  congratulations!!! Keep up the good work


Yo sonic1942, hope your doing well and hope to see duel academy new student continue along with seeing more yugioh stories, if ya need some ideas for them then I can help with naming a few.


@sonic1942 Bastion's decks are impossible to pin down a real deck for him since like his elector sigma plus and minus cards from the second season of gx don't really exist so if you need a deck for bastion, then I say either thunder deck like thunder dragons or a machina deck or a spell counter deck like endymion 


@grimdragonreaper22 cheers, I am working on a chapter now but having trouble because of Bastion Deck, it's a mix of other cards so I hard to get a true lock down on what cards he has I know the cards for Water Dragon are his but that pretty much it.


Hello everyone quick question I was look through some of my old games and I found one of my favourites when I got it. Does Pokémon battle revolutions ring a bell well I just though why has it only been for the WII I can totally see it on Xbox and even PS4 it not that hard to play so I want you guys though about should the game be on other consoles rather it just be on the WII?
          Let me know what you think. Please stay safe and have a good good day.
          Ps my Hardrive bugging out on the computer so stories will be delay but not for long as I knows what is happening to it and I am getting it fix


@sonic1942 ya plus their games were designed for Nintendo consoles so it probably wouldn't work but then again Japan has the stupidest stuff


@gundamfan1337 that is so true, I mean Sonic is on WII, Switch, Xbox and even PS Sega is being smart while as you said Nintendo are being complete jerks with sticks up their asses, I mean if they released the game on other consoles then think about all the money they could have made but no they wanted to be petty. either way nice to know about your thoughts.
            see you later, (also what story you want to see get a new chapter -minus Lone Male in Female world).


@sonic1942 it's because the wii is owned by Nintendo and Nintendo has sticks up their asses about their games being exclusively for their consoles


hi everyone just let you know that I have taken down my Esdeath vs Union story is gone because one I can no longer work on it and two (and most importantly) I can not access it cause it was removed from my documents as something happen to the computer. please understand, stay safe and have an amazing day.


hi guys just let you know, I haven't done anything today because I not long gotten back from seeing Deadpool and wolverine movie and it was funny, wholesome and cool to see. I really like it and for those that haven't please do as I found it to be really great to see. please stay safe and have lovely day/night.
          catch you later.


Shadow the Hedgehog x My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 
          Sonic and Shadow was on a mission to stop dr eggman to attack central city, eggman built a creation to defeat both sonic and shadow. eggman tried to shoot sonic with it but shadow quickly saved him. However, he got hit with the blast instead. Instead of dying, shadow finds himself teleported to a Equestria, a world of anthropomorphic ponies and other creatures. Stuck in Equestria permanently. Shadow will face new and old enemies, he will save Equestria from evil. (This story takes place 3 years after the season 9 finale when the defeat of Tirek, cozy glow and chrysalis, and shining armor will be genderbent)


@tsimmons848 sorry it took long to reply but I do like this story however I am currently working a sonic x Mlp story so making a shadow one will confuse plus the reason I’m starting at season 1 is because that is where I finished I never seen past that with few exceptions so going to season 9 with shadow will a lot to handle. So I am sorry to say but I don’t think will make this story however if I keep going with mine and when I do get to season 9 on mine then I will think about doing yours however with how long I take to make chapters I don’t want to give you false hope or lie to you so here is what I will say when finish season 1 of my story I will let what I truly think about this idea. Please understand stay safe and have a great day.


Do you take story requests


@tsimmons848 I used to, what happens it when people give me a request I ask them what do they want, but after a while someone demanded so much that 1: I couldn't focus. 2 they used characters and items from series that I did not know off, even when I looked them up I was still worried that I might make mistakes or I get the characters wrong, 3 and finally. they demanded that I do not have long breaks or anything like that and the chapters had over word limit which was too much to deal with so no I do not but if want to tell me about what it is about, I will think about. NOTE is said THINK about it. please stay safe and have a lovely day.


Hi guys I want your opinion on something. And please be respectful if someone else say otherwise but who would win in fight between:
          To me I think goku might but he just barely win knowing kratos.


@sonic1942 Think about it like this
            Goku died twice and was resurrected by Earths and then by the Namekian Dragon Balls
            If he dies again, it's game over, permanently
            If Kratos dies, he just gets sent to Hades/Helheim and just casually walks out after beating up Hades himself or something
            Also, Kratos has a shield to reflect any attack and send the ranged attacks, like ki blasts, right back