
@Nora_M Three Years, Five Months and Eleven Days :)


In case anyone cares about my life, I'm having a panic attack because in a week's time it will be my last ever first day of school (as in start of my final year :O) and I don't think I can handle it! Also, I turn 17 on Sunday :D :D :D


@bookworm4allmylyf oh my god you have no idea how happy that made me!! It's been a while since I've got a really sweet message like that, and it's especially lovely to know that people are still discovering and falling in love with my books even though I'm not posting any more. And don't worry, I don't plan to stop! It's not just a hobby for me, it's what I want to do when I'm older. I'm working on other things at the moment, and I might post them on here one day. I'll let you know if I do!


Hey, you know sometimes when you read a book that you love more than the others and you feel bad with end of every chapter because that just means you're closer to the end? 
          That's what your trilogy was for me honestly! 
          I love it so so much! Each and every character, the plotline, everything! You're such an amazing writer, I wish you had more reads. I hope you'll never stop writing because in my opinion you're one of the best authors here! :) xx