
tato zpráva může být urážlivá
you know that feeling when youre so in love with a person that literally everything reminds you of them. so no matter what, youre thinking about their hair, their eyes, their voice, their laugh and the last time you talked to them. im so in love right now but im the shyest little piece of shit so i like cant initiate a conversation this person. and when they talk to me my heart does flips and flops and seizures. 
          	you know when youre in love with someone and you feel so many feelings when they look at you. even more when they smile at you. even more when they talk to you. and the most when they fucking touch you.
          	i dont even know why im so in love with this person, but i just i dont know they make me feel some type of way.


You perfectly described me with my gf


tato zpráva může být urážlivá
you know that feeling when youre so in love with a person that literally everything reminds you of them. so no matter what, youre thinking about their hair, their eyes, their voice, their laugh and the last time you talked to them. im so in love right now but im the shyest little piece of shit so i like cant initiate a conversation this person. and when they talk to me my heart does flips and flops and seizures. 
          you know when youre in love with someone and you feel so many feelings when they look at you. even more when they smile at you. even more when they talk to you. and the most when they fucking touch you.
          i dont even know why im so in love with this person, but i just i dont know they make me feel some type of way.


You perfectly described me with my gf


i'd make a migraine reference saying that my writer just hates the clock, but truly i just have writers block and it's so annoying.


@vinyldun why did I know that this comment was going to come? at least im happy it was you that did it


i read writer just hates the cock


i saw your profile picture and i died a little because like everytime i see it i get emøtional (roadshow) buT THEN THERE WAS THE UNICORNS IN YOUR NAME AND I CRIED.


 unicorns are cool bro. i die everytime too, friend, you're not alone.


tato zpráva může být urážlivá
i stg, i freak out both internally and externally whenever one of my faves notice me. no matter if it's just replying to a comment i left, reading my stories or following me, i freak the fuck out.


@vinyldun i am tyler, tyler is me.


ok tyler i didnt know u were on wattpad


@vinyldun yeah okay you're right. but like, excuse me, could you please (not) leave?