
[tl;dr] inspiration/creativity is slowly returning, fingers crossed. uni has just been really kicking my butt.
          	• I've got half a chapter ready for Heroes but that's better than nothing, right? I know where I wanna take the story and everything I've just been stuck at that specific part and obviously I can keep writing after that, but I can't upload any of it yet because there's a chunk missing.
          	• Blood Moon will be updated later today or tomorrow at the latest, still not entirely satisfied with some things I wrote but idk
          	• oh and also what got me out of my slump primarily was an idea for a Witcher 3 fic and I'm at chapter 13 somehow? maybe I'll upload that too sometime if I figure out a title or if anyone is even interested in reading it.


@snxwscene oh wow 2019 me sure was optimistic rip


[tl;dr] inspiration/creativity is slowly returning, fingers crossed. uni has just been really kicking my butt.
          • I've got half a chapter ready for Heroes but that's better than nothing, right? I know where I wanna take the story and everything I've just been stuck at that specific part and obviously I can keep writing after that, but I can't upload any of it yet because there's a chunk missing.
          • Blood Moon will be updated later today or tomorrow at the latest, still not entirely satisfied with some things I wrote but idk
          • oh and also what got me out of my slump primarily was an idea for a Witcher 3 fic and I'm at chapter 13 somehow? maybe I'll upload that too sometime if I figure out a title or if anyone is even interested in reading it.


@snxwscene oh wow 2019 me sure was optimistic rip


Hey just wanted to let you know that your story Blood Moon is really amazing and THE BEST story I've read so far in my first year of having this app it is good to see such hard work and dedication put into to the stories you write.
          Ps. Good luck with your exams 


@Twin_potato thanks so much me and my sister are so nervous but thanks for the support ❤️


@Twin_potato ❤ and good luck to you too, I'll keep my fingers crossed for your results to be good!


@Twin_potato Glad this means so much to you and again your story is by far the best I've ever read and still good luck for your papers even if the exams are over I know the difficulty and stress they come with I've finished mine about a month or two ago and get my results this Thursday but again love your story and hope you do well ☺️


I'm finally done with exams for this semester!
          still have to finish two whole term papers by the end of this month but knowing my own tendency to procrastinate when the deadline isn't right in front of me yet, chapters should be back to normal soon ♡


@snxwscene by soon I mean next week because I have to catch up on a bit of sleep still ahem


just wanted to quickly say that I've got exams coming up so my apologies if updates aren't on time for the next two to three weeks‍♀️ I try to squeeze in some writing sessions here and there but most of the time when I actually get to it my brain is already in standby.
          I'm ahead with chapters for Blood Moon so I don't see any problems there, however I haven't written much for Heroes yet because the amount of notes and script we have to memorize this semester is genuinely overwhelming (and I also just recently started it).
          Thank you all for the insane support these past weeks, I really appreciate it♡ updates will be back to normal soon!


small update: first of all, holy s hit Gone Girl has been blowing up lately!♡
          secondly, only got the last episode left and I. am. scared.
          and lastly, I do have a pretty clear idea for a sequel to Gone Girl, I've already started writing it and I've been diligently taking notes with important dialogue while watching. so a part 2 is definitely happening; planning on uploading the first chapter as soon as it's done which will probably be sometime later this week♡ I'll keep you guys posted.


won't be replying to comments on gone girl for a while to avoid any more spoilers than the ones a single stupid notification gave me until I've finished season 3 :) I tried to free up this weekend as much as possible, finished an essay early for once and caught up on missed lectures for the most part, so I hope I'll finish it within the next three days (believe it or not some people don't have the time to binge watch something that would take ~9 hours immediately after release. PLEASE, at least during the first week after something has been released, consider putting a spoiler warning before you write about it♡)


@snxwscene thank you! Luckily I was able to watch it fairly quickly, but it really annoys me when people post spoilers like they are the only ones on the planet. 


my apologies if updates on Nocturne are a bit slow. the new semester just started last week and we already have so much reading to do, and assignments and all that ish. Besides, I've been putting most of my creative motivation into another project that is hopefully coming soon, but I will do my best to get some new chapters done for Nocturne as well before things get too stressful irl.
          Have a good week!♡


@snxwscene take the time u need!<3 excited for the "other project" as well uwu


Thank you so much for adding my story, Stitches to your reading list! It means a lot that it was found by you! I hope you enjoy reading the story! ❤


@theDAPPER  I'm looking forward to reading it