
/   okay come back now


@thirdcorvus   /    OMG YESSSS YOU’RE HERE !! : 00    I MISS U TOO   !   < 33    lemme just   hop   back   on    here — 


/   NEOW... i miss you  </3


could you stop your yapping? i’m tryna concentrate here.


@comingforblood    (  . . .  )       rude .     [       the    blonde    woman    grimaced ,    rolling her eyes     as she    folded her arms over her chest .    ]      concentrate    on    / what /    ,   exactly   ?     making    sure that     forehead     vein    doesn’t    pop   ?     / relax / .         being so    tense   and   grumpy   all    the time must    be   so    / exhausting / .  . . 


don't  think  my  cards  belong  to  you.  well,  i  know  they  don't.  hand  'em  over.


yeah,  gambit.  y'know,  a  sacrifice  to  get  an  advantage.  i  can  see  why  big  words're  a  little  intimidating.  [ the  cards  were  slipped  back  into  his  pocket  and  let  out  a  laugh  at  her  words. ]  ain't  a  soul  out  there  that  can  overthrow  me.  [ red  eyes  scanned  the  area  before  landing  back  on  the  other  and  he  gave  a  shrug  of  his  own.  ]  i  can  protect  myself.  got  no  reason  to  be  afraid.  i  might  just  be the  most  dangerous  thing  out  here.


@kineticards     (  . . .  )       I’ll   believe it when    I see it—          /  gambit  /     ?     [       she    asked    incredulously   ,    letting out     a  snort   .     what    was    it    with    people    coming    up    with     these    ridiculous names for    themselves    ?    the blonde    tilted her   head    to the side for a moment ,    shrugging    her shoulders    as she leaned against the wall .      ]        what    can I   say   ?    maybe    I’m here    to overthrow    your    rule    ,    your highness .    [       a    playful    smirk    formed    on    her features    ,   before her    eyebrow rose .      ]           safety    isn’t     really    my    thing .    apparently ,    it’s    not yours    either ,    if you’re here    too   .    huh ,   I guess    I’m    ‘ sight-seeing’ . 


nobody  ever  tells  me  i'm  serious.  it's  always,  gambit,  be  / more /  serious,  y'know?  [ pushing  off  from  his  spot  against  the  wall,  he  took  the  cards  back,  shuffling  them  before  looking  over  at  her  with  a  smirk. ]  ya  got  some  skill.  and  here  i  thought  i  was  the  king  of  thieves.  [ the  mutant  couldn't  even  be  bothered  about  the  rest.   he  was  too  impressed  to  really  care.  the  cards  were  what  mattered  anyway.  ]  what  are  you  doin'  here  anyway?  don't  seem  too  safe  out  here.


fascinating   thief.    now,   try   stealing   that.   mhm,          go   for   it.


@inhumatus         (  . . .  )         well     ,     love     ,       I’d hate       to be     a     / boring /    one    .     i like to keep      people on their      toes .        [         an     easy      grin      formed upon the blonde ‘s      features      as     she tilted her head      to the side     ,       examining the other for a      moment .         ]          you     realise     that     i     only     see     your words as a challenge      right     ?     [         she found his tone     almost       patronising       and she couldn’t help     but wonder     why .       holding his      gaze      ,      the telepathic thief        eyes squinted slightly      ,       concentrating as     she attempted       to push     herself into his mind      .      to search his     thoughts     ,      his memories .      to find out just who exactly she was      dealing with      and whether it was worth       risking her        life over .        ] 


heeee  (...)   lloooo?    earth to my thiefling?   you're zoning out.   are you alright?


@thirdcorvus      (  . . .  )      [        there were times like      this where     lenaya starkov would drift       off ,    whether that be due to boredom      ,      being lost in her own      thoughts          or if she was      listening in on someone else ‘s      thoughts      .      sometimes ,    she couldn’t even     / hear / herself think ,      the thoughts of others       around her      so loud it     got to the point of being overwhelming .    her fingers massaged her temples ,     eyes scanning around      the room     .     that was ,    until       she saw the     snap of the sharpshooter’s fingers     in front of her face     ,     instantly     causing her whole body       to tense for a moment     as her head shot round to look at him .          ]           huh  ?      [         she asked     blankly      ,    before staring  at him in disbelief    .       ]          …      / your /  thiefling   ?        i had no idea we were that intimate ,    fahey .       [          she teased him ,      as she swatted his hand around of      her face    ,     expression faltering slightly at his question .        ]         I’m fine .   always am .     


darling,   if you're here to talk and not bet,   go away.   i'm a very busy man today!   


˚‧☆。✧  oh,   bah!   you're forgetting the fact that you can't cheat your way through /every/ game  ...   especially not here.   [his words are both a gentle reminder and a subtle threat all at once.  with a practiced ease,   he gathers the chips and coins before him,  separating them with the quickest glances,  his attention focused mostly on the thief that stood before him.]   i'm DEALING,   not gambling,   and there's a whole line of people waiting for this table to be occupied.   [there's frustration in his voice,   his fingers drumming against the wooden table impatiently.   EXPOSURE THERAPY CLEARLY SHOULDN'T BE AN OPTION FOR ADDICTS.  he crosses one leg over the other,   exhaling as he does so and seemingly all but melting in his seat.   with an easy wave of his hand,  he then overrides his previous sentence by offering:]  --   but,  hey,   if you pay me enough,   i can sit here and listen to you talk.   


@thirdcorvus     (  . . .  )        oh please  / sweetheart / ,   we both know     that     if i     placed my hand into a     game    ,     I’d win .     I’m just / that / good .     [         the blonde      grinned    ,     tapping     her temple     in a playful manner    ,      signalling that she ,    of course     ,     had    an advantage    .       ]       second of all ,    / rude / .     i thought you’d at least     have   time for    me .     [        she winked     ,     batting her     eyelashes mockingly        ,     before     her eyebrow rose      ,      amusement      forming on her     features     .      her    nose    crinkled slightly .     ]         busy     doing     what     ?     dwindling      yourself into    debt     ?     


yer’    goddamn    thief.     what   would   ya’   know    about   a   dead   man? 


@seaborns      (  . . .  )       now come on ,   love .     that’s     just    / rude / .     [         lenaya held     her hand     to her    chest     ,    letting out a dramatic     sigh     ,     before     her lips quirked     upwards     into     a small smirk .       ]        I’m the    ‘ best goddamn thief ‘     around here .    and though you might       doubt     my little hobby ,     being    a    thief doesn’t mean     I’m oblivious   to the whispers    in the shadows    .   I’ve danced around     the alleyways    around here long enough    to hear    the secrets    and comings and goings     of    many .     [      yes ,    she was perceptive ,   though    much of    her knowledge     technically came   from cheating    through    her enhanced    abilities to read thoughts and shuffle through     minds      ,   much    like    how she    used it to gamble    ,    to pickpocket .    her arms    crossed      over her    chest casually     as she leaned against the     wall .      ]       / such as /     ,    what     this     poor little man     did to get    his ass    handed to him .     


yer’   mama   not   tell   ya’   bout’    what  happens   to   ladies     who   peer    into    the  eyes  of   a   monster?       nay? 


@seaborns      (  . . .  )         [          the blonde woman      would      simply shrug       her shoulders nonchalantly     ,     lips    downturning slightly       into what     resembled      a      mocking frown    .     ]        I’d say     / no / .         [       her mother     hadn’t      stuck  around long enough    to    ‘ warn her  of the     dangers of the world ‘ .     not    that    lenaya dwelled      much      on     her childhood .    it wasn’t     anything worth remembering     - -     abandonment     wasn’t something    she was    that keen on getting into .    especially with a stranger .     she snorted    ,    daring not to tear     her gaze away     from his     .       ]           I’d hardly call   myself a lady    ,    but sure .     I’ll bite .        what     happens   ?    am i     to be     murdered    ?        [        she     uttered     ,     tilting her head to the side ,   seemingly unfazed    despite the    warning of his words  .       ]            because     that would    be    an      anticlimactic ending .   