
infuriating finale and epilogue out now!! 
          	Thank you anyone who stuck with this since even the last chapter was posted. truly stronger than the marines 


          i’ve got my first ever actual exams over the next month (also my last )
          so, inevitably, updates will slow down a little,, because i wanna be a successful adult some day… apparently…  
          peace and love  and good luck if you also have exams! don’t die while there’s still life inside of you!!!!


i’m working on infuriating and it’s dwelled upon me that i could literally just end it here… add an epilogue, tie up loose ends, done. 
          but that would mean i have to give them a happy ending :/ 
          spoiler alert…
          it’s what they deserve but i’m in my evil arc rn so it’s not what they’re getting  :)
          we’re on chapter 36 n i might go to 50 tbh…


it’s nearing the one year mark since i started writing infuriating and i have once again changed mirianas little character board. 
          i made the piccrew then went into ibis paint x and added more ~miriana-ness~ (aka incredible amounts of dysfunctional-ness)
          i’ve also made one for what she’ll look like by the end of it but perhaps u will have to wait another year to see that :))
          also i will be celebrating ur mothers birthday more than the one year mark for ilof because idc how many views it gets ⁱ ᵈᵒⁿ’ᵗ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ⁱᵗ


does anyone know why infuriating has a text to speech feature  i do not. i didn’t select anything to do that and i can’t on any other works. i’m not mad,, it do make editing easier,, i just wanna know how to make all of them do that