
hey hey hey! its currently school holidays so i WILL be updating a lot (hopefully). i totally recommend reading my previous chapters of when you returned for extra r e f r e s h m e n t because something big will happen in the next few chapters. love y’all 


hey hey hey! its currently school holidays so i WILL be updating a lot (hopefully). i totally recommend reading my previous chapters of when you returned for extra r e f r e s h m e n t because something big will happen in the next few chapters. love y’all 


NOT TO WORRY, GUYS!! i am alive *yay*!! i am so so sorry for not updating the story but the last few weeks were quite busy for me. another chapter should be up tomorrow or the day after though. i am currently typing up a chapter i wrote ages ago and starting to draft a new one. 


hello there!! i’m sorry for not updating too frequently lately. i have a really really important exam next week to study for HOWEVER i finished drafting chapter five. i will type and revise that as soon as possible. after the exam, i’ll be updating a lot though! i hope y’all understand.


hey guys! feel free to talk on this and promote your own story. i’d love to check some out. i would really appreciate it if you read my new book (it’s just a small chapter right now). you don’t have to though however it would only take a few minutes to read it. i will be adding another one in a few days though! 
          bye everyone