
Can everyone help me make a decision. I want to see bts in Chicago but to go see them I would need to spend around $170 - $160 for the ticket and bus fair. I wouldn't go with anyone which doesn't bother me much but it is a factor against because I want to share my good time with someone. I went last year but this may be the last time they are all together before the military thing. Another factor against is I broke my finger before Christmas and I should be fine by the time the concert cones but I dont know. So does anyone know what I should do? And have a logical reason describing why pleas and thank you.


Can everyone help me make a decision. I want to see bts in Chicago but to go see them I would need to spend around $170 - $160 for the ticket and bus fair. I wouldn't go with anyone which doesn't bother me much but it is a factor against because I want to share my good time with someone. I went last year but this may be the last time they are all together before the military thing. Another factor against is I broke my finger before Christmas and I should be fine by the time the concert cones but I dont know. So does anyone know what I should do? And have a logical reason describing why pleas and thank you.


I saw that you were looking for me on Inkitt my user name there is WraithPrincess12 on there I only have one Story up Club WildFire only 3 chapters of it though the whole story is on here , Hope you can find me on there and Thank you so much for reading my stories - Much Love - Wraithprincess 


@wraithprincess that worked. Thank you