
Woah...its been a long time ......
          	How y'all been? I dont read wattpad that much anymore sadly...i read on Ao3. 
          	And i have become a kpop stan now...crazy how i went from mahnwa to korean webnovels to k dramas to animes to now kpop
          	Soo i guess that is a part of growing up...ill still check up on this acc from time to time dont worry....
          	Welp! Thanks a LOT for those who read my books and gave them so many reads. I hope you all arent angry with me heheee
          	Anyways it was nice to post on here again!
          	Byeeee ;)


Woah...its been a long time ......
          How y'all been? I dont read wattpad that much anymore sadly...i read on Ao3. 
          And i have become a kpop stan now...crazy how i went from mahnwa to korean webnovels to k dramas to animes to now kpop
          Soo i guess that is a part of growing up...ill still check up on this acc from time to time dont worry....
          Welp! Thanks a LOT for those who read my books and gave them so many reads. I hope you all arent angry with me heheee
          Anyways it was nice to post on here again!
          Byeeee ;)


          Do you guys have ever been in a situation where you have everything you could ever want in life and your parents give you whatever you need but still feel like they don't love you anymore and feel depressed.
          My parents have a up-down relationship and normally I am fine with I mean I got used to it but for the past week I feel like bursting into tears occasionally. It feels really lonely in a huge apartment with no Idea where your parents are and just laying down, watching TV and eating. 
          I just don't know.... usually I am fine withy parents leaving me alone and being alone is like a dream come true. But now it just feels miserable staying home alone only staring at your TV screen for continuous hours. 
          Everyone I ask to go out they go sometimes but otherwise it's just me sitting in my house alone . At first my father went distant but now even my mother has become distant. 
          It feels ..... Lonely


Imma just drop by to say...
          Nice pfp! 
          And writing