

Hey there :) 
          I just wanted to thank you for writing ‘Me & the monster.’ I just finished it yesterday and I really enjoyed the ending. I’m glad that Rae & Kal get together in the end, and I loved the plot twist with Eden. Is there going to be a sequel? Keep writing & hope you are well ❤️❤️


@ ChloeLeia561  thanks for your kind words! They mean the world to me✨✨ take care :)


          Thank you so much for the follow! If you get a chance, please check out my latest book: Eternal Desolation: A Vampire's Curse!
          Also if theres any of your books you would like me to read/support, let me know :) 
          I do vote for vote too, if you'd rather do that!



Hello! I absolutely love ur theme! Beautiful PFP!
          How are you? I hope you're doing great! And if time permits, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my book. Comments and votes are always welcomed. But it's okay if you don't too;) don't feel pressured.
          My book is a teenage romance of self discovery, slow burn, and has a powerful female lead! ✨ I hope you enjoy! Thanks


Hola, espero que te encuentres muy bien. ❤️
          Quizás me conozcas o tal vez no, solo vengo a recordarte que eres capaz de hacer todo lo que te propongas.
          Recuerda priorizar tu salud mental ante todo, toma las cosas de tu día a día con calma y ten presente que todo tiene solución siempre y cuando pongas de tu parte. ¡Por favor, nunca te rindas!
          Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leerlo. Espero tengas un(a) lindo(a) tarde/noche/día. ✨