
Spooky one shots anyone? 
          	I know October is coming up and I’ve kind of been craving to do horror/thriller one shots (fall is literally my favorite season) and I wanna know if you guys would be interested in seeing that?


Spooky one shots anyone? 
          I know October is coming up and I’ve kind of been craving to do horror/thriller one shots (fall is literally my favorite season) and I wanna know if you guys would be interested in seeing that?


How many of you are fans of The L word? I just saw an edit with Ally and Bette (as in Bette Porter) and… y’all I’m kinda into ittt [literally giggling and kicking my feet rn]


@hhahshshshz omg sameee I’m going to do one of my spooky one shots with them




I have the urgent idea to make a story with all of Sarah’s characters in it somehow it’s been nagging me for a while and I don’t know what to dooo


@TrixQueen that’s very real of you honestly I get that and this is definitely a good outline


@simpforholytrinity I've given it like two minutes of thought lol But I spend every day fantasizing in my head about Cate and her characters, so... it's easy


@TrixQueen OMGG I NEED THAT SM!! I'm a huge fan of Brie's attitude lol And Hela is too great too lol


Random thing no one asked for:
          If you don’t have a heating pad, take a rag/washcloth and wet it. Ring it out until it’s damp (so it doesn’t drip everywhere), put it in a plastic bag and heat it in the microwave for 1 minute. (I promise the bag won’t melt). Take it out, seal the bag and boom you have a homemade heating pad. I rolled mine up and put it in a clean fuzzy sock so it wasn’t too too hot on my skin and the waistband of my sweatpants are holding it there so… yeah. 
          Follow me for more tips and tricks lmfao


it’s giving 5-minute tricks with @simpforholytrinity


Idk what happened but you got removed from the list of people I was following and I had to follow you again, but istg I was following you earlier, please don't be mad T-T


@simpforholytrinity it certainly wasn't meant in a bad way so idkk 


@GaladrielsTiara I don’t know if that’s good because it means I’m active or if it’s bad because it means I’m OVER-active lmaooo either way welcome back :)


@simpforholytrinity I just saw that I wasn't getting any notifs from you and it became quite suspicious 


Sooo I need some good recommendations for stories specifically Ally because I haven’t read many stories about her and then literally any Cate character but preferably Florence or just any sweet characters like that (I’m trying to stay away from Carol a little bit right now but anything else is good)


lmaoo trust me, it takes some time even when you’re super consumed by it


@catesaussieburger yes I actually haven’t read that one yet but it’s in my library. I just fear that (after hearing how good it is) I’ll finish it in 1-2 days then be so sad it’s over lmao but I shall give it a try anyway 


@simpforholytrinity i’ve got a whole bunch (about 575 T-T) saved in my library that i’ve never read or can’t remember specifically, but there is one that’s got a place in my heart bc of how unbelievably well written it is: ‘Daylight’ by @lastfallenvalkyrie - it’s starring Madonna Tremaine and although she’s not particularly sweet in it (at least not in the beginning), the other main character is, and the character development as well as the atmosphere, details and story arc are incredible:)


Ok soooo a few things:
          1. I cannot stop thinking about Toni from Sarah’s play and I’m considering doing a story with her so for those of you who have not seen it would you like a background first? (also including pics of the cast for visualization)
          2. I have this wild story idea I’ve just thrown together (a product of like 3-4 ideas that I’ve had over the last two weeks) and I haven’t written anything on it other than chapter outlines but it should be coming soon along w like 2-3 other stories? Also I will not be telling the character because I want it to be a surprise (it’s Diane… again)
          3. For anyone who reads my ongoing stories I’m very very sorry cause I’ve had writers block very bad (ik it probably doesn’t seem like it lmao) but I’ll get back to them… eventually
          Basically I’m writing like… 6 books offline rn in addition to (trying) updating my os books in order to show progress so I’ll need a little grace and tips (like please help me if you have any advice in drowning :,)


@simpforholytrinity lmaooo ‘i couldn’t rush if i tried’ hahaha


@paulsonmyl0v3 wonderful wonderful I’m hoping I can have them out before the end of the year ;)


@catesaussieburger honestly it’s not difficult at all bc I had already mentally planned to do that and I’ve literally been editing the outline since March (shoot me) I’ve downloaded pictures of the cast too so it’s a simple copy paste I just want to finish reading the script (there’s two of them) so that I can give an accurate description of the characters but truthfully I could just show that in the story progression so wtv and I couldn’t rush if I tried unfortunately so it’ll happen when it happens I kinda just put this out there hoping it’d motivate me