
Hey guys! I am kinda sorta back. Man Wattpad has changed a lot hahaha. 
          	Hope everybody is doing well and satiating their reading needs! 
          	So I started reposting my Bucky Story (El Mañana) if you guys are into the adventure, romance, humor, and lots of sex, please do check it out, plus it's Sebastian Stan so, nuff said? 
          	I've been updating it on mostly, but I thought I'll publish it on here too, so expect swift updates as I am several chapters behind on here haha. 
          	Lots of Love! And thanks so much for continuously reading my old stories even though I haven't really published much. 
          	Love you guys, stay safe!


Hey guys! I am kinda sorta back. Man Wattpad has changed a lot hahaha. 
          Hope everybody is doing well and satiating their reading needs! 
          So I started reposting my Bucky Story (El Mañana) if you guys are into the adventure, romance, humor, and lots of sex, please do check it out, plus it's Sebastian Stan so, nuff said? 
          I've been updating it on mostly, but I thought I'll publish it on here too, so expect swift updates as I am several chapters behind on here haha. 
          Lots of Love! And thanks so much for continuously reading my old stories even though I haven't really published much. 
          Love you guys, stay safe!


Hey, just wanted to say that I love all of your works on here. Specifically the grave matters story. I love stiles and ariel, and together they are amazing and all sorts of wonderful and well, I was just wondering if you're likely to continue this story? Either in oneshots, or even further to what is currently happening in season 6? That would be super and the bees knees.  thank you


@lizbethpayn3 hiii so sorry I'm replying so late oh boi I really should have logged back in more. Thank you so much you are so sweet! Um I did have a lot of ideas for a sequel. Especially when it came to Meg finding her mom. But I've had so many things happen over the past years I just haven't had time to write and I miss it so much! I have three other stories I have to finish off and I feel so guilty about it. I'll try to update but I honestly can't guarantee anything. I'm getting married in a month eeeeeee. 


Hey could you please head to my profile and give a read to my newly written book "Forever, what a lie..." published today and will be updated daily. 


@Samiaeitouni hi sorry I missed this I haven't been active in a whillle. Hope your story is going well! I'll give it a read 


you made one of my favorite teen wolf stories. would you ever write more one shots for Ariel and stiles


@DonutDonna I just wanted know, I know how hard some of you writers work. 


@DonutDonna Aw thank you so much :') Well I wanted to actually but I've been busy with my fanfic. I'll try to update when I can but I really can't promise anything :/.


its funny seeing my old message but im gonna write another one even though you deserve an award not just another message from me. I reread both Caution, Purpose, and Faith AND Reason TODAY!!! Now im rereading Grave Matters because you know, ITS FREAKIN AMAZING!!! I love how you incorporated Ariel in to the Megra books! You books literally brought me to tears TWICE IN ONE CHAPTER! ! THATS HOW GOOD OF A WRITER YOU ARE!! UR BOOKS ARE BOOKS THAT I WILL NEVER GET TIRED OF.. WHEN I READ THEM , EVERY WORD ALWAYS BRINGS A SMILE TO FACE. AND I LOVE HOW BOTH MEGRA AND ARIEL BOTH HAVE SUCH UNIQUE PERSONALITIES!! ♥♥♥♥


I just felt the need to point out that you are the most amazing writer ever! I have read tons of books based off of Teen Wolf and yours have to be the best. I read Caution,purpose,and faith and its sequel and Grave Matters and they are so good! Keep up your AMAZING work!!! Your books are a godsend.


@silverspacechameleon yeah I read the sequel and it was great!i usually read like 5 books in a day bc I'm bored and once I finished ur books I was stunned. I especially love Grave Matters bc u used Alexandra Daddario and I personally love  her..and the way you wrote her character made me love the books and her all the more. your writing is gonna be out there some day


            This is so weird. 
            I was just about to go on your profile and type in a message letting you know tha you are "the most amazing commenter person ever" I know commenter isnt a word but go with it. 
            Thank you so much, you are too kind. I read all the comments you posted and I thought about replying individually. But then again you were on a roll so I thought I'd wait till you were done, its more polite yes ^^. 
            Thanks again. You already read the sequel? What did you think of it? Oh and Grave Matters is my favourite. Despite Megra being my baby, I just love Stiles nuff said. 
            No my friend, you are a Godsend.


...okay, I just decided to kinda 'stalk' you know. 
          Meaning, I will follow you here :D


@silverspacechameleon ^///^ you're very welcome then :D


@minchen0897 sweet heart its a perfectly valid excuse. 
            I am not a native English speaker either ^^ so we are on the same boat xD. 
            Well i am flattered anyway, can't wait to see what you think of my chapters in the future :D and thanks for your support on too ^^ it is much appreciated.


@silverspacechameleon AH! No need to feel flattered! I'm just a humble human being feeling glad to now get a note or in general notice it whenever something new from you is available! And i won't bother you in any way (at least i hope so), I'm just happy following you... so, i guess stalking isn't the right word, but i didn't knew a better one since i favorited your story on too and-
            (yeah, well, my first language isn't English. I should really stop using that as an excuse. Sorry.)


thts it, im gonna go back, and vote on all the chapters of Grave Matters.. thts how much i love it.. 
          Peace Out.. 


@silverspacechameleon .. ur welcome, btw, u deserve all the praise u get, and more.. 
            ~keep calm and continue writing.. 
            Peace out..


@silverspacechameleon eh.. im sure one little thing cant divert my opinion, right? :-P


@NiaLuRoon  Wow thank you so much. This was a lovely thing to read first thing in the morning.  You are seriously the sweetest. Which chapter are you on? 
            Anyway I am really happy you are loving the story. ^^ let me know what you think of it after you are done xD. (>.> Maybe your opinion might change :P)