
Heya guys! 
          	I'm here to announce that we have surpassed 3K followers! There are 3000 of you now!!!! 
          	(3064 because I'm a little late on the announcement but still!) 
          	I want to once again reiterate (although I'm sure your sick of hearing it now) how shocked I am that you're all reading my work and also how thankful I am that you are. Seriously this means so much to me, you have no idea (┬┬﹏┬┬)
          	I'd also like to let you all know that new works are coming out soon! In fact, there's a pole up in chapter 34 of Smoke and Mirrors so even if you're not reading the fic please go vote, I need as many opinions as possible! 
          	Thank you all so much for staying tuned for so long! More fics and updates will be coming out soon! 
          	☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
          	Anyways I love you guys!


imagine single handedly keeping the MHA fandom afloat  




@silverowlbells Congratulations on over 3k subscribers! That's amazing and you deserve it, 100%. I love reading your fics and you've been a source of inspiration for my own writing. I can't wait to continue reading your work.


Hi!!! I saw your stories and I think they're interesting!!. Here's a fanfic I wrote so hope you tell me how's is it. Thanks!!!
          Hi!!! I have written my own fanfic and four stories too and I still have so many in mind!!! So hope this fanfic is to your all liking!!! Thanks!. Please support me so I could keep going!!!.


this message may be offensive
Bro, I just speed-ran two of your fics in the total of two days and I am in love. With the fics and you! Like, how are you so fucking talented?!?!?!? You are now going to forever be my inspiration.