
Hi, so it’s been a while. I know I keep saying I’ll have another novel out but that’s finally come true. That is, if you like My Hero Academia (or Boku no Hero Academia). Anyways, its Prologue and the first two chapters are out if you so choose to take a look. I hope that it’s enjoyable to read and leaves you on the edges of your seats (or beds if you’re laying down and reading it).
          	Also, I hope you all are still safe. It breaks my heart that the United States is in such a fragile state – along with many other countries/regions around the world. Be strong, it’ll be over eventually. But until then, protect yourself and what you love.
          	- Shima


Hi, so it’s been a while. I know I keep saying I’ll have another novel out but that’s finally come true. That is, if you like My Hero Academia (or Boku no Hero Academia). Anyways, its Prologue and the first two chapters are out if you so choose to take a look. I hope that it’s enjoyable to read and leaves you on the edges of your seats (or beds if you’re laying down and reading it).
          Also, I hope you all are still safe. It breaks my heart that the United States is in such a fragile state – along with many other countries/regions around the world. Be strong, it’ll be over eventually. But until then, protect yourself and what you love.
          - Shima


Wear a mask if you want to help protect those around you. And here is a solution if you can’t bring yourself to care about the health of other individuals: wear a mask for yourself (unless you have a valid personal reason — don’t go dropping them here, it’s not going to do you any good), you selfish human, or don’t go out into large groups or get together in big groups without social distancing.
          I’m not going to argue with your views if they’re conflicting with mine. Nor do you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO ARGUE WITH MINE — just pass along or ignore it like a civil individual or do whatever you need to do to get yourself past my conflicting view, just don’t make a good-for-nothing deal about it. It’s an irritating waste of time and you’ll probably be disappointed with my response anyway, or rather lack of.
          Hope anyone seeing this message is staying safe out there, really, I mean it.
          Also, here’s some good news, at least: a new work is coming soon!
          - Shima


@Line2006   Thank you for your understanding and support for wearing mask to try to tamp down COVID-19!


Du hast vollkommen recht Masken sind wichtig !


And if none of this can be accomplished, whether it’s where or how you’re living, please please please be as careful as possible. This virus, SARS-CoV-2, is dangerous, and we’ve lost too many people to it already. Please be safe.


Look, to all my followers and readers (except those I’m close with), I’m a chill and usually rational person most of the time and I enjoy writing since it’s one of my passions as an artist — and I’m glad you all enjoy it too. However, I hate being pestered by anyone, even family and friends, and I have gone off on both of them.
          You all, as individuals, are no exception so don’t go thinking you’re something special or are receiving unfair treatment because I snap at EVERYONE if pushed to that point, and it’s mostly due to my trait of bordering apathy toward humanity. Perhaps call me a rude person, or a horrible one, but take a look at yourself: YOU are calling someone of your own race horrible. How horrible is that? You figure that out on your own.
          This text is mostly aimed toward those who leave demanding explanations/corrections on my stories, and serves as general information. One or two comments are fine, and I’ll get to it eventually. But as soon as it goes above four or five, I get pissed.
          If you all understand, wonderful! If you don’t, well then that’s a disappointment.


@silentnature I understand where your coming from. These are YOUR stories and you can do whatever you want. If you chose to update then so be it. If not, then that's okay. People may be demanding things yet their not taking any action. Some may not even know how stressful it is to write. Also, I'll have to agree that I don't really like humans. You have a right to be mad and no one can stop that. Their the ones who started it and they can end it. (Sorry if this sounded rude or something) 


Happy New Year’s to all and I hope each and every one of you have a wonderful and safe year!
          I’m not back to writing, but I am back on the app for the time being. I hope to get my bearings together though soon, because I’m getting better as the days go on.


There have also been slight modifications to my “Works” too: 
            “Siblings [Naruto Fanfic | Uzumaki]” and “Dusk [Naruto Fanfic | Earlier Gen.]” have both been unpublished but NOT deleted as they’re going to go under editing here hopefully shortly.