
This book is so thoughtfully and beautifully written. Going through a roller coaster of emotions yourself, alongside being able to understand the emotions of all the characters is the kind of magic this book does! This story totally deserves to be on Netflix, if you ask me! 
          Cheers, Echo!


@CelineDisney05 ok, I get what you're saying


@savex_xme  thanks for understanding ☺️ though since I'm currently editing the book I'll most likely added extra chapters dedicated to hunter and Zack's childhood and their homes


@savex_xme I mean yeah I have thought about reveling more on hunter's past,how everything happened and why his dad turned out like that, hunter's grandfather and also dive more into Zack's childhood but I don't really want to write a book about that because honestly there wouldn't be a single happy thing in the book. It would mostly be someone suffering, crying or being abused chapter after chapter 


Hi! This is my first time reading one of your books which is Obsession of a Psychopath, I never read something like this sooo good in my entire being, I was totally engaged on Read your books I even cried because of what happened to Hunter and Amanda throughout the story, and let me tell you I feel what the characters feel, this is a masterpiece your work really inspired me to keep reading your books, I hope you make more stories cause I will totally read them in an instant. 
          I don't know why but I love you and your stories sooo much 
          I will be one of your no #1 Readers, I wish you have a good day always and have a great day


@MariaYasashi25  oh my god  thank you so much for this you, you just made me so emotional, I'm overjoyed you took the time to read my book. Seriously thank you, I appreciate the support, reading your message actually inspired me to continue writing more 


Hey will u just spoil a little... So i will just ask that.. Hunter will again meet zack right and they will have happy ending with hunter remembering everything?.. Please tell me.. 


@Ishika_Erena ,sorry i cant spoil much but i assure you the ending won't be as disappointing as the first one