
guys i just exploded rice in the microwave and now it won't turn on T-T


@Larrystylinsonsep yeah I’m good, lmao. Can’t say the same thing for the microwave.


guys i just exploded rice in the microwave and now it won't turn on T-T


@Larrystylinsonsep yeah I’m good, lmao. Can’t say the same thing for the microwave.


Part twooo
          . After my mom and dad lectured me and I was trying so hard not to cry. I ended up crying a bit. ( and I'm crying rn while writing this but that doesn't mater)  then they said i should be nicer to my sister's. And that they heard me yelling and I'm like In My head "i literally only told her to throw out eggshells it ain't my fault Ma h voice is loud" and then they were lile u have to protect ur sister from ppl " and I'm like in mah head "last time I checked I protected her from bullies while she called annoying in front of my and her class. She also tells her friends bad stuff about me" also my mom said where do u get being mean to be sisters from and in mah head I'm like " u call ur sibling curse words sometimes. And fight with them A LOT.  U literally defended ur COUSIN (the one she is cheating on my dad with) instead of ur sister.u chose ur cousins side instead of ur sisters.
          Anyway. Here I am venting.
          So yeah I hope this doesn't annoy u. 


@Sassy7DemiGods oh my god i'm sorry, this sucks. i could never be annoyed by you feeling like you need someone to talk to. i'm happy that you feel safe enough and not judged to vent to me <3  As the older sibling, i feel you. it's always my fault and never my younger brothers. and please don't cry, they aren't worth your tears. soon enough one day you're going to leave, and you're gonna make a better life for yourself and surround yourself with people who care about you. Maybe one day we'll meet and i can give you the biggest hug on earth and tell you everything's gonna work out. sending lots of love and support from canada <333333


U said I could vent here sooooo. Don't mind if the spelling sucks.
          So basically today had already been VERY sucky. I just felt sad like you know when u feel lile crying and just not talking just yknow lazing around. And then my mom mzntioned that i have too practice quran. Then that made me anxious for tmrw. Aka Sunday when I have my Quran class and Monday where i have 2 different Quran classes.  And soooooooo yeah i was feeling REALLY agitated and annoyed. So I decided to make Chocolate souffle.  Yeah but my annoying sisters wanted to help and I was like fineee. So while we were making one of my sister's were like "this is boring why r u doing all the fun stuff" and I'm like in my head "Bitch I did everything u did." Then my other 4 year old sister was just being really loud and crowdy and kept calling me boring. Mind u I'm still in the 'ughhh I want to cry and do nothing useful'  feeling. And I was telling my sister to throw out some GODAMN eggshells becuz I'm mixing something. Anyway after while we were pouring the mixture into bowls to Oven them "(my dad was there to help us becuz he don't trust me with an oven)  anyway as I was pouring a lil bit spilled dad was like Be careful don't be careless stop spilling. I said We already spilled stuff and cleaned it up. Then he went on pointing out my mistakes for no good reason so i said "thats nice"  then becuz I said that he yelled at me. Bevuz I showed attitude. When I went to read my book he snatched the book out of my hands and told me to get a pen and paper. The he said write "i won't show attitude in my speech" 100 times. So I did that. 


fangirling is a difficult profession to be in


@Larrystylinsonsep my eyes are gonna be permanently red from all the tears


@sidon_is_hot sameee, way too much stress :( I’m gonna be bald :’(


the only good thing about math is my teacher


@sidon_is_hot Ikkk i have immense respect for her and I’m pretty sure I’m like her fav sooo IM WINNING IN LIFE!!!


@olivebatraa wow, your guidence counseler teaches math and has time to listen to children whine!? damn that lady has serious motivation. good for her.


i found my next song that i'm gonna repeat until i get sick of it


@olivebatraa yeah lmao, mine is Josh Ross and Julia Michaels new song


@sidon_is_hot I have tbsl stuck in my head :D before this it was daylight.
            If u can’t tell I’m in my Harry phase lol