
Happy Leap day!
          	I’ll be taking down Ivory’s Ruin tomorrow, so this is your reminder to finish before then :)
          	After that, the book will still be available on my Patreon and Kindle Vella until it is published in August. 
          	Alsoooo, ARC applications are open for Nia’s Resolve! It’s almost that time!! The form and more information is on my website.


It’s to prepare for official publication:)


Happy Leap day!
          I’ll be taking down Ivory’s Ruin tomorrow, so this is your reminder to finish before then :)
          After that, the book will still be available on my Patreon and Kindle Vella until it is published in August. 
          Alsoooo, ARC applications are open for Nia’s Resolve! It’s almost that time!! The form and more information is on my website.


It’s to prepare for official publication:)


Happy 2024!! 
          We’re at chapter 60 of Ivory’s Ruin? What?! Only a few more weeks left…
          In case you missed it, I uploaded the first chapter in a little demon short story titled “Sin, Secrets, and Summoning.” I’m afraid it gets too kinky for the Wattpad police, so the rest is on Patreon or you can purchase the ebook on my website ^_^
          Happy reading!


Hi author! i saw a tiktok about Nia’s Resolve. I came into wattpad to start reading it but it only has 3 chapters and 30 minute read. Is that all the book or was there more? 


@thecreativebitch Hi! I’m glad you found it, and yes there’s more! If you read the first section of the story on Wattpad, there’s an announcement about the book being published next year. But you can still read it before then on Inkitt, Patreon, or Kindle Vella :) The links should be in my bio. 


Chapter 40 of Ivory’s Ruin has been posted! 
          Also, if you haven’t heard, Nia’s Resolve will be moving to Kindle Vella at the end of the month, and will be published Spring 2024! This includes physical copies, which are going to be gorgeous *happy dance*. So anyway, this is the last chance you’ll get to read it for free ^_^


Surprise update! Chapter 35 is up for your reading pleasure :) 
          And if you didn’t know…all chapters plus the epilogue for Ivory’s Ruin have now been posted on Patreon. So if you’re in the mood for some binge reading, it couldn’t be a better time. 
          Happy Halloween a week early! It’s never too soon to celebrate. Stay safe out there. 