
New pfp because it's getting old so why not change it. Yay


Hello everyone it's me again yes I am still alive not dead but I been doing drafts for my fic tho and I'm really busy anyways I made another sever do not click that link because it's already expired so I made it just family friendly tho if you guys wanna chat with people or talk about games and stuff and  let's just hangout that's all here is the link


If it didn't work ask me or put your username so I can send you in dms 


Join before it Expired! Everyone


Hello everyone happy new year to you all i just wanna tell you that yeah so I may not published any chapters yet but I have a draftst and have a lot of ideas my phone is still getting fix it don't know when but let's wait I didn't get a new phone because my aunt forgot to bought me one she told me she will send me in June when she gets back outside the country can't wait     but any who I will may enjoy my new year with my family today my Christmas was so boring I just slept and draw because I don't have a phone  and just played with fireworks with me ltitle cousins don't worry I'm good and alright but soon I'll make the chapters like I promise bye everyone hope your guys enjoy your new year with Your familys and lovers out there byeeee!


hey guys kamusta(how are you) anyways im still alive not dead yet hehe my phone is still broken havent got a new one yet and this phone would be break anytime soon but ill suffer from it guess im still not updating any books yet and also i know and almost forgot i had a loptop too but it broke oops haha but ill try finding a way guys dont worry about me  and i have alot of ideas i just wrote them on a paper so i wont forget about it and i wanna make part 2 of random chats of wenclair/wednesday any who thats all stay safe always yall!


I'm glad that you're ok!!


Update I can't copy my work on this acc because it won't let me so I have to continue it on my old acc I have to re new my story there hope me luck! And see you there!


Here old acc of mine!


What’s your old acc?