
/ I never understand when non-dsmp accs follow me. I'm not complaining by any means, I love doing multifandom stuff it just confuses me LMAO anyway 
          	CB + specify or drop I'm bored


;; mb pleaze ! ^^


          	  Where do you want it? 


;; zomething fluffy w / george and wilbur ? 


/ I never understand when non-dsmp accs follow me. I'm not complaining by any means, I love doing multifandom stuff it just confuses me LMAO anyway 
          CB + specify or drop I'm bored


;; mb pleaze ! ^^


            Where do you want it? 


;; zomething fluffy w / george and wilbur ? 


lovers rock.
          by ashton <3
          ↳ [nsfw, drinking]


but if youre too drunk the drive and the music is right . she might want a kiss before the end of this song . 
            dream barely drank . it was quite unusual for him to find himself sat with a drink in his hand . maybe it was due to being such a light weight . he couldnt even handle his drinks all that well . or maybe it was because of a own self sense of pride . no one quite knew the answer to it . so it could be anyones surprise on why he had decided to drink tonight .
            dream barely acted on repulsive . he usually let himself think out his options before he came out with an answer to put into an action . if something had just randomly came up into his mind . if he told himself to randomly do it . to act upon it . he would immediately push it down and scold himself . so it was a bigger surprise that he decided to hook up with his ex . to allow his tipsy filled mind to cause giggles to fall from dreams mouth and let the other lead him away from others . to allow their fingers to race against what was once familiar skin . 
            and he would hate that he was enjoying it so much . it seemed to be enjoying it at least . letting out a small moan as he felt soft lips trailing down the star shaped freckles that coated his sensitive skin .


          The ravenette sent the other male a smile now intertwining their fingers together, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. “I’m glad you agreed to be my boyfriend George though I’m still in shock you didn’t reject me.”


@shroomsaint- ,
            He leaned back while he closed his eyes, a sigh escaping from him. “Are you sure? You aren’t lying to me right?”


            "Not on you." he scoffed. "Never on you. I know what you're like, love, I'm not gonna start being an arsehole for the sake of it." 


@shroomsaint- ,
            He fidgeted around with his clothing as his eyebrows furrowed. “I’m not always the best at expressing things, kind of a hothead if you didn’t notice. But on the other hand you sort of intimidating..more than Dream. You are an amazing guy but I know the second I say or do something wrong you will release hell.”


“i don’t need your concern george, i’m fine.”


            // chill asf dw abt it
            "it becomes my business when you bleed on my bed, Sapnap. now explain to me how you got the scars, please, before I try to find out myself." Shaking his head, the multitudinous earrings and chains he wore glinted in the torchlight, as he took up his bandages in fingers wherein bone was beginning to break the rotting, fungal skin. 


/  sorry, excuse the extra quote mark 


this message may be offensive
            [ x ]
            sapnap scoffed at his words, looking away from george as he went on to ask his questions. he wasn’t having any of it. “none of your fucking business.” he sneered. he was *fine*, what part of thanh did george not understand? “


;;     tw !!  mentions  of  bl--d !    
          ps.  sorry  if  this  isn't  what  ya  wanted!  just  lmk ,,    i  can  redo  it !!
          ㅤ—》    ~~  NOTHIN'  ON  YA !  ~~
          ✦ㅤㅤthe  male  gently  slid  his  hand  under  george's  chin ,    grasping  with  an  unfamiliar  tentativeness  despite  the  monotone  expression .    his  face  held  a  frown ,    but  it  was  unclear  if  the  frown  was  disappointed  or  worried  for  the  other .    in  a  matter  of  seconds ,    the  male's  face  was  forced  closer  to  sapnap  for  inspection .    it  appeared  he'd  nicked  it  lightly ,    a  small  scratch ,    a  trickle  of  blood  —  which  wouldn't  be  a  problem  if  it  weren't  for  the  fact  that  the  scratches  **  covered  **  the  brunet .    ❝  george ,,  ❞    the  ravenet's  tone  firm  but  gentle  all  at  once ,    ❝  what  have  you  done ?  ❞    he  let  out  a  gentle  ' tsk ' ,    as  well  as  a  sigh ...    yet  his  emotions  towards  the  events  were  still  unclear .


            The dark of the glasses he wore blocked out the burnt out sun of his eyes, his front teeth pinching lightly on his bleached lips. The scratches were all the same length, all the same direction. Small and pooling clear plasmic blood. Even just the tinge of red there on his skin was so obvious, against the cold grey of his ice-clear skin. He pulled away, ultramarine silks blocking Sapnap's way as he stepped back.
            "Nothing you need to worry about." he deadpanned. "You're so /overbearing/, Sap. I can look after myself."
            He acted like those last weeks weren't spent in a wakeless sleep, like when his glasses were moved his eyes hadn't looked like porcelain constructs in lidless sockets. The once heavy cover on his right eye had been stretched into oblivion by the churning growth of an enormous fungus which layered steppes from his cheekbone to his forehead, underneath the skin. And because it was underneath the skin, it had gathered up skin to create itself, tearing half his face into a stretched and wrinkled nightmare, gums (also now scratched in the same pattern) exposing teeth becoming sharper with every sleep. When people asked, he claimed not to notice. He claimed nothing was wrong. He claimed they were seeing things, which was exactly what he had done the day they'd first pointed out the crop of indented white clamouring on his neck like a love bite of rot and chaos. 